XIEGU G90 Collection

10 mai 2009

Portable HF operations

As I am going to go portable again in this summer, I revisited my Yaesu FT-857D backpack and fitted with some new accessories.
This new "toys" are:
-A antena matching unit;
-The second one doesn't carry a name but serves to connect the solar panel (15W-12V) and the SLA battery (12v-7 Ah) to the radio. It also contain a 6V/600mA NiCd pack and a digital panel-meter (for DC monitoring).

Last time when I was portable (In Elba Island) I used the Yaesu FT857D with Alinco DMV330 and a 40m dipole with a LDG Z-100 ATU.
This year, I plan to go in Sardinia (another island) and I want to change something in my setup.
I will no more take the Alinco switching power supply. nor the LDG Z-100 ATU.
Instead, I will use a 12V/7,5 Ah battery and a selectable UnUn (Unbalanced to Unbalanced broadband transformer) wich is tested to work very well from 800kHz to 55MHz.
The antenna will be a random wire. I made some tests yesterday while in my balcony and, with a 12 m of wire (random, balancing under) and I have had a QSo with ZC4TS in 18 MHz with only 10W...
So, I will test the gear in the future weeks before the real operation.
Below are some pictures and the schematics. Sorry for the uglyness but I am writing them on my tablet as I am not used with CAD software...
The schematics:
-Antena Matcher:

-Power patch:

-ATU analysis (SWR vs Freq.) - the test was carried on a 450 Ohm resistive load on the 1:9 ratio.

... and some photos:

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