XIEGU G90 Collection

18 septembrie 2009

YR550BU-Special callsign

Romanian Society of Radioamateurs will activate a special call, YR550BU, between 18th of September and 5th of October.
The callsign celebrates 550 years from the first written mention about Bucharest, capital city of Romania. Bucharest was mentioned by Vlad Tepes (a.k.a "Vlad - Dracul") in a donation receipe issued at 20th of September, 1459. Vlad Tepes is the character that inspired Bram Stoker's "Dracula".
Romanian Society of Radioamateurs will issue a special QSL card for this occasion.
The callsign will be active in HF bands from 80m to 10m.
QSL Manager is YO3JW

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