XIEGU G90 Collection

27 iunie 2010

Calculator pentru radioamatori

Am reusit sa transpun in WEB tabelul calculator in xls pe care il foloseam de destul de multa vreme pentru totr felul de calcule.
Va recomand sa apelati la el ori de cate ori aveti dubii cu privire la posibilitatea de stabilire a unui canal radio intre doua statii sau atunci cand nu mai stici cati dBm reprezinta 1W.

Sper sa il gasiti util si sa il folositi cu placere!

Pentru a-l utiliza, click pe imagine!

11 iunie 2010

The biggest YOFF Expedition /MM is about to start!

ExpeditionA few fellow hams will start what it will be "The biggest YOFF Event in Romania", a /MM trip on the Danube Delta!

They will be active mostly in HF bands and will have a QRO (500 W) in order to be heard by a grossly mass of DX hunters.

So be prepared or YOFF-021 !

10 iunie 2010

Condenser mic for TS-2000

A found a very nice schematics for connecting a condenser microphone with the Kenwood TS-2000. It is especially usefull for users that want to use combo mic-headset with their beloved transceiver!

Original drawing from UU2JJ