XIEGU G90 Collection
07 martie 2011
RadioMagazinYO-martie 2011
A aparut numarul 5 al revistei online (deocamdata) RadioMagazinYO.
Tematica acestui numar este legata de concursurile radioamatorilor.
Cu sau fara orgolii, cu bune si rele, fac si ele parte din activitatea ham-ilor.
Tot in acest numar gasiti cateva sfaturi despre utilizarea bateriilor pe baza de plumb.
Premiul lunii (tombola) este o antena dual band VHF/UHF pentru amplasament fix, produsa de FX-24 dupa modelul de mare succes Diamond 510.
Revista este accesibila in prima parte a lunii doar membrilor inregistrati cu cont pe site-ul radioclubului YO3KSR.
Lectura placuta si 73!
click pe imagine pentru revista
Pe site gasiti si numerele de arhiva la descarcare libera.
04 martie 2011
MuF and F0F2 for Europe
A new page for HF propagation status in real time due to DIAS Ionosondes project!
You can find the latest results in a friendly graphical format on YO3KSR webpage.
You can find here F0F2 for the entire Europe. (If the picture seems to be empty of informations, must be between data update from DIAS servers so, please use REFRESH button on your browser!)
And the MuF (Maximum Usable Frequency) from European ionosondes.
Some new addition on the YO3KSR website:
-Space Weather;
-Magnetosphere status;
-TEC Ionisation.
Please use the Refresh Page button ( F5 ) on that pages!
You can find the latest results in a friendly graphical format on YO3KSR webpage.
You can find here F0F2 for the entire Europe. (If the picture seems to be empty of informations, must be between data update from DIAS servers so, please use REFRESH button on your browser!)
And the MuF (Maximum Usable Frequency) from European ionosondes.
Some new addition on the YO3KSR website:
-Space Weather;
-Magnetosphere status;
-TEC Ionisation.
Please use the Refresh Page button ( F5 ) on that pages!