XIEGU G90 Collection

27 decembrie 2011

CODAN 9360

Today I get my Codan 9360...
I dreamed a lot at this radio, for the last 3 years, seems to be impossible to get one!
So, this is my X-Mas gift from my wife :-) Nice!

This unit is full 2-30 MHz TX capable, with front keypad programming mode.
This is somehow complicated because there are only 12 controls (10 keys and two opto) and the menu is very, very complicated!
Not only this, but the engineering is weird for a ham!
I think I will need the programming software to put the frequencies into the Eprom and also make ALE to work with HF-ALE ham radio network.

This is a small video I made when I was in QSO with YO2LGX and YO2LEO.
73 d YO3HJV

18 decembrie 2011


In these days seems that you cannot light a simple LED without a very complicated electronic hardware (microcontroller with some Quartz Crystal around it etc).
So, I started to become interested in these "chips" becuse I do not want to be so "obsolete"...
First, I started by searching a development board...
I soon received from a fellow ham a EasyPIC 2 Development Board fitted with everything you want.
After that, I stated to search for a suitable PIC to start with. A 16F877A seems to be the best for a beginner because has A/D converters and a lot of I/O ports.
The interest in PIC was determined by the need for some repeater automation, including battery management.
After a lot of struggling, I manage to read and write the PIC using the onboard USB programmer. This was by far the most time consuming phase (a few weekes of study). Don't laugh! I have no one to help me but some internet related posts!
To make the long short, after a successfull R/W operation, I manage to blink a LED but this don't count as a "Hellor World" project because was made with a downloaded .hex file!
I read (and trying to understand) various things about uC.
I soon found that I need a Programming tool and a compiler.
Everyone pointed me to MikroE solutions: MikroBasic and MikroC. Also I read Mr's Surducan book about microcontrollers and JAL (Just Another Language) as reccomended by some uC specialist.
After a lot of reading (and sometime "lot-of-no-understandings") I stayed on BASIC.
This is my first, true, "Hello World" project:

;Chip Settings
#chip 16F877A,10
#config OSC=HS

;Defines (Constants)
#define DISP_COUNT 4
#define DISP_SEG_A PORTB.0
#define DISP_SEG_B PORTB.1
#define DISP_SEG_C PORTB.2
#define DISP_SEG_D PORTB.3
#define DISP_SEG_E PORTB.4
#define DISP_SEG_F PORTB.5
#define DISP_SEG_G PORTB.6
#define DISP_SEL_1 PORTA.0
#define DISP_SEL_2 PORTA.1
#define DISP_SEL_3 PORTA.2
#define DISP_SEL_4 PORTA.3

DisplayValue 1, 0
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 2, 1
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 3, 2
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 4, 3
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 1, 4
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 2, 5
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 3, 6
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 4, 7
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 1, 8
Wait 1 s
DisplayValue 2, 9
Wait 1 s
Goto afis

This program is intended to be used with a 16F877A Microchip PIC,
a 10 MHz crystal and a 4 digit, 7 segment LED display.
It count from 0 to 9 but the number is displayd alternatively from left to right.
As I cannot attach the .hex file, use Copy/Paste and a txt editor to make your own hex file
to upload into the uC:


14 noiembrie 2011

YR1X-11 video

Here is the video from the YR1X-11 ARHAB flight! Enjoy!

11 noiembrie 2011

October news

RadioMagazinYO, the monthly YO hams magazine is available for download HERE. It's necessary to register as user in order to dl the magazine but you can wait to the end of the month do have it without registration!
The cover story, about the YR1X ARHAB will be available as article next month.
Meantime, you can watch YR1X-11 pictures HERE.

08 octombrie 2011

High Altitude Balloon Launch on October!!!

For updated informations about High altitude balloon launch, please check THIS PAGE.

23 septembrie 2011

2E0BLF and South Yorkshire Repeater Group steal money just like a thief!

Yes! Is a thief! He and South Yorkshire Repeater Group.
How can you name one who takes your money for a radio gear and sends nothing?
"Thief", "cheater", "con".
Well, this is Andrew "Andy" Spaxman, 2E0BLF, ex: M2UXC, who lives in 12 Stanhope Gardens, Barnsley S752QB, England (or UK ).
Shame on you Mr. Andy "Thief" Spaxman!

How it's "operates"?
He is web-admin at this site: http://www.southyorkshirerepeatergroup.co.uk/shop/
He had a TH-79 for spares to sell. The price was nice, around 50 UK Pound. I wrote a e-mail asking him if he can send the radio to Romania. His answer was "OK" and he said that the shipping will be 25 UKP, so I sent the money via PayPal!
A long time I get no answer from him to my regards about the expedition of the radio...
When I threat him with a complain to local police, he reacted and told me that he will send the money back.
After that, a looong silence but no radio nor money, of course!
So, instead of making that complain, I decided to publish everywhere I can this story! It is now more than a year...

Mr. Andy "Thief" Spaxman has a gang! Yeah, he need a team to steal!
What team? This one:

South Yorkshire Repeater Group

Why I said that? Because the money was sent to that gang and nobody seems to care about! I was trying to contact someone from that "gang" to complain but all the email was censored, I believe!
Also, beware of the other side of Mr. "Thief" Spaxman!
He is the registrant and, of course, web-admin of the www.hostyorkshire.com:

Created Date: 06-Jun-2003
Expiry Date: 06-Jun-2012
Nameserver: ns2.speedydns.net
Nameserver: ns1.speedydns.net
Registrant Name: Andrew Spaxman
Registrant Company: Host Yorkshire
Registrant Address: 12 Stanhope Gardens
Registrant Address: Off Queens Drive
Registrant Address:
Registrant Address: Barnsley
Registrant Address: South Yorkshire
Registrant Address: S75 2QB
Registrant Address: United Kingdom
Technical Name: Andrew Spaxman
Technical Company: Host Yorkshire
Technical Address: 12 Stanhope Gardens
Technical Address: Off Queens Drive
Technical Address:
Technical Address: Barnsley
Technical Address: South Yorkshire
Technical Address: S75 2QB
Technical Address: United Kingdom
Technical Email: hostmaster@hostyorkshire.com

Maybe I will call him in the middle of the night! Who knows?!? :-)))

21 septembrie 2011

Path loss calculator

Everyone knows how hard it is to read books and to apply formulas. No problem! Now you can put the known data (Tx power, Rx sensitivity, antenna height and distance) into a spreadsheet and read the results!
A quick method to check a LOS (Line Of Sight) condition for a radio communication between 1 Mhz and 3 Ghz.
Also, you can find some usefull transformations between Watt and dbm or uV to dbm etc.
The link points to our club's home page.
And, of course, the spreadsheet is in english, so there will be no problem with it!

Click on the picture and enjoy!

Any suggestions are welcome!

22 august 2011

17m band mobile QSO with local stations

Saturday, while I was waiting on the road near Sinaia, I was surprised to hear a YO station in QSO with another one.
The surprise was the fact that I was in a valley and the frequency was too high to have a "local" QSO (18.144 MHz).
Of course, the real life often "beats" the theory, so I give a try and made the call for YO2MHJ...
Surprise! He answer back and we made QSY to 18.150 MHz where we had a beautiful QSO from mobile to fixed radio!
The approximative distance between the two stations was a little over 200 km and the path was over a 2k m mountain chain!!! (Sinaia to Deva)
The signal on my mobile setup was 59+20 in the clear with a very little QSB!
My mobile setup is a ICOM IC-7000 radio, followed by a LDG Z11 PRO antenna tuner and a Sirio Titan 4000 mobile CB antenna.
The interesting fact is that this antenna is a base load one with no ground connection wich made this antenna suitable for broadband HF operation.
In fact, I was able to work from 80m to 6m while mobile!

Here is a small movie about my mobile QSO:

I believe that two factors was involved:
-A high F0F2 and
-A high angle of radiation at both stations!

To be further investigated...


18 iulie 2011

Homemade USB Digimodes Interface

I am a big fan of Digimodes as you maybe know already!
Therefore, I am always in the search of the “perfect” Digi Interface which also has to allow me to control the radio via Ham Radio Deluxe, one of the best of it’s kind…
I already have a RiGExpert Standard interface but this is assigned to a Kenwood TS2000 radio at YO3KSR, our club station and this made a big “gap” in my shack.
My “ideal” interface has to be wired to a PC only with one cable.
I want to have a “hardline” PTT and a Carrier Detect (for Echolink use) and a CAT port.
Of course, a sounboard because want to be able to use the interface with some digital voice software which requires two sound boards (one in the laptop).
I made a lot of interfaces in the past; most of them was “the simple” type; only providing isolation between PC and transceiver with two little transformers and a optocoupler for PTT but these ones required a external USB2COM adapter and a lot of wires…
So, my “dream” was still in the “cloud”.

A few days ago, while I was inspecting the junk box, I found a lot of unused “components”…
A USB sound card from Behringer (UC202), some USB2COM adapters and a very little USB hub…
Hmmm… I wonder if I can use those to homebrew a nice versatile Digimodes interface!
I often see fellow hams that build things from scrap! I admire them because this need a lot of time and commitement! I have the last "thing" but I don't have the time so, I think I do not "cheat" by using demo boards or some finished "scrap" in my junk box.

Here is the plan (click to see the "big pictures"):

I choose a USB 2.0 HUB with four outputs as a simple math will show that we need 3 of them in our setup and we can use one for further "developments".
A short trip to a local DIY store provided all the necessary components; the case, the board and some LED’s because I didn’t have the green ones!

I agree with “one picture made a thousand words”, therefore I let you see what is the result.
So, I made a "motherboard" where I put the USB plug, the LED's, and the I/O volume potentiometers. There is some pads left for external DC input regulation with a 7805 circuit (not populated yet) and for isolation transformers (in the eventuality of 50 Hz hum).
I also provided some common ground because I choose not to use isolation. Hmmm, the "isolation" story seems to be a humbug of sime sort because, from what I seen in the market, the CAT port is not isolated so, despite the isolation of the audio and PTT, the PC IS connected to the transceiver! So, why try to complicate my life?
In the upper

The audio USB board UCA-202 from Behringer:
This board has a Stereo Line input and a Stereo Line Output. There is also a "monitor" headphones output, but this is not used. Maybe I will put a little speaker inside the box but is not yet necessary!
The USB2COM adapters:

The USB2COM adapters was tested before te see how they works!

If you can see them here it's a proof that they passed the test, HI!
Like I said, I used one for CAT control. This one was left "in one piece" to provide some mechanical fixing. The one for PTT and CD (Carrier Detect - Open Squelch) was removed from the DB9 connector. This was necessary because all the signals (including Audio I/O) will be sent to the transceiver via one cable).
The PTT was set on COM's RTS and the CD on the COM'S CD (to be clear, HI). Here I use two K817 optocouplers. The PTT port can whitstand about 50 mA at 70V.

The LEDs

I like to have some visual information about the working state of the interface, so I desoldered the original LED from every board and reroute them on the front panel.

From left to right:

-Blue: Power on USB HUB;

-Green: Power on CAT COM1;

-Green: Audio Board recognised by the OS;

-Red: PTT on COM2

-Yellow: CD on COM2.

-Blue: not connected.

The "look":

After closing the case, the HM Interface looked fantastic, especially in the dim light!
On the rear panel, I provided 3 RCA for Audio I/O and for PTT/ They are not wired yet.

Further development may include a second USB audio board for digital voice...

OK, it is not perfect, but the tests showed that this "box" performs well... I have only one complain: the Input level is often too small for the sound board. Despite this, the excellent S/N ratio of the Behringer board made me think twice before adding a small input preamplifier!
The two potentiometers are unused...
The cost is much under a commercial interface... Much!

And, for the final, what will be a CAT-Digimodes interface without a Tom-CAT?

73 de YO3HJV


I added a small preamplifier (around 6 db) on the audio input of the interface. The signal goes into one of the two potentiometers (reserved on the motherboard) to fine tune the input volume. A small Switch on the front panel allow me to bypass the preamplifier because the signal from ICOM IC7000 is loud enough to drive irectly the soundboard.
I also put a 4 GB flash memory for various purposes (the HRD Logbook, audio recording of my QSO's and a small collection of digimodes software-around 300 Mb).

Asa nu!

Acum cateva seri testam o interfata pentru moduri digitale si am ajuns in banda de 20m unde, am avut placuta surpriza sa intalnesc o statie YO, YO3FOP care chema in PSK31.
Imediat i-am raspuns, bucurandu-ma ca voi avea posibilitatea de a schimba cateva cuvinte cu un "vecin".
Iata cum a decurs "dialogul":

02:54:04> Main
YO3FOP de YO3HJV YO3HJV pse kn

Your Call de YO3FOP

nu ati incarcat in program indicativul si statia chemata nu stie cui faceti apelul
Buna dimineata.
Numele Adrian, QTH Bucuresti.
Semnalul este f puternic, merge OK.
Eu tocmai am terminat si testez, o interfata pe USB pentru moduri digitale, care are placa de sunet, com pentru CAT samd..

Hi OM,
Report : 599 599
Name : ILIE ILIE qth BUCHAREST BUCHAREST loc KN34CK [90.0° 6.6km] KN34CK
Member EPC #2937 ROØ5
Info : QRZ.COM
How copy? BTU OM, YO3HJV de YO3FOP pse kn

Copiez f bine, dupa cum am spus, doar ca speram sa vb cu un om, nu cu un calculator...
Multam de legatura, succes si mny DX
YO3FOP de YO3HJV YO3HJV pse kn

YO3HJV de YO3FOP 73 OM and thanks for this BPSK-31 QSO on 2Øm, good DX in 2Ø11.

Trecem de faza I, in care dl. YO3FOP nu a introdus indicativul in MACRO-urile din HRD (cel putin asa suna predefinitele din DM780 si ajungem la adevarata problema:
Dezinteresul operatorului uman pentru realizarea unei legaturi!
Imi pare ca, folosind exclusiv mesajele predefinite devenim, cumva, sclavii calculatoarelor, negandu-ne tocmai placerea acestui hobby: comunicarea si puntile intre oameni!

Modurile digitale sunt un mijloc de realizare a legaturii si nu un scop in sine; se pare ca am uitat de asta! Este de inteles asa ceva intr-un concurs sau intr-un pile-up atunci cand timpul corespondentului este pretios. In rest, folositi comenzile "macro" cu parcimonie; nu este deloc greu sa adaugi cateva cuvinte, chiar daca tastatura QWERTY nu iti este cel mai bun prieten!
Am intalnit deseori corespondenti cu care am purtat conversatii in moduri digitale. Tocmai acestia au fost motivul pentru care acum sunt atat de atras de ele iar unii chiar mi-au spus ca evita sa intre in dialog cu statiile care shimba doar controalele de rigoare. Adica exact cum puteti observa in "dialogul" de mai sus!
Incercati sa evitati acest tip de legatura! Asa nu!

73 de yo3hjv

12 iulie 2011

RadioMagazinYO Nr.9-10 iulie-august 2011

A aparut RadioMagazinYO, numarul de vara, comun pentru lunile iulie si august 2011!
Din cuprins:
-Friedrichshafen Ham Fair 2011 de YO3HJV;
-O noua amenintare pentru comunicatiile HF de 4X1AD;
-Webinare pentru radioamatori de 4X1AD;
-Radiocomunicatii libere: CB & PMR 446 de YO3FTI;
-Transfer de date via HF de YO3FTI.

Revista verii 2011 vine cu un numar mai mare de pagini. In continuare ea este disponibila si in forma tiparita pentru abonati.
Premiul pentru acest numar este o statie radio mobila VHF, oferita de MATRA SYSTEMS.
Incepand cu acest numar, revenim la necesitatea autentificarii folosind contul deschis pe site-ul radioclubului pentru descarcarea revistei RadioMagazinYO.
Dupa logarea pe site, veti avea acces la link-ul pentru descarcarea revistei in format electronic.
Puteti descarca Revista RadioMagazinYO aici

02 iulie 2011

9k6 APRS with Ui-View and TM-D710

LATER EDIT: You can use the same settings for the Kenwood TH-72 because the TNC chipset is the same. Tested and work OK!

Last days I was confronted with a big problem!
How to establish a APRS local gateway from Internet to Radio with a TM-D710 and UI-View, the well known software from G4IDE!
First time, I started the Kenwood TM-D710 in Packet mode and I made the necessary settings for 9k6 but when it connects to UI-View, the baudrate reverted to 1k2!

The main issue is that this software have more than 7 years of no-upgrade due to the SK of the author and the INIT file for the Kenwood TM-D710 radio is not included within the CMD files.
Therefore I start to look around how the software sent the commands to the radio.
It seems that in the CMD folder within the installation directory is the key.
Inside this folder, there are some files that define the initialisation commands for every TNC listed in UI-View menu and that initialisation occured everytime I tried to setup the communications with the radio.
The solution is here:But how we find the TM-D710-9k6 TNC-type?
Very simple!
We search in the CMD folder for a file named "TM-D700.ORG".
Open it with Notepad. You should see something like this:

;This is a copy of the default version of TM-D700.CMD.
This is a sample TNC initialisation file for use with
;the Kenwood TM-D700.
;DON'T alter anything in this section unless you are

;sure you know what you are doing!




^C AI 1!AI 1
Now, open a new file in the Notepad and paste the following code:
;DON'T alter anything in this section unless you are
;sure you know what you are doing!

;Control mode on.
TC 1!TS 1
;Select TNC PKT mode on A band.
TN 2,0!TN 2,0
;Waiting for command prompt.
;Repeating the first two commands is not an error!
; Below we can set the beacon in 10*N seconds. 60 means 600 seconds
; You can set the beacon text with BTEXT ...
; You can set the Digipeating function but have to add some other commands
;Below we setup the RF TNC baudrate

;If you want 1k2 baud, simply replace "9600" with "1200"
HBAUD 9600

TC 1
TN 0,0

After that, rename the .txt file into "TM-D710-9k6.CMD" and save it in the same CMD folder.

Open UI-View, go to SETUP menu, click on COMMS SETUP and, BINGO, you will have the new TNC option enabled!

Watch the first picture again, make the same settings and go for 9k6 APRS with the Kenwood TM-D710!
Beware: you have to keep the radio with no menu-enabled TNC! The TNC will "revive" once you hit the "OK" button (first image) and the LCD on the radio will show "PACKET96"!

73 de YO3HJV

I was asked by Jack, G4AMF to tell him how to setup the radio for 1200 baud APRS operation.
If you look on the code above, you will see a "commented" line (with ; in the beggining) whic tells you how to do it.
You simply replace 
HBAUD 9600 with HBAUD 1200
and, Voila! you got the 1k2 APRS working with TMD 710 as KISS  TNC! 
Don't forget to put the radio in TNC mode and not in APRS mode!
The same 73 from Romania!

Another Later edit:
You can find the files on Github: https://github.com/yo3hjv/TM-D710-Ui-View32-TNC-files
Download them, put them into the CMD folder of the programm installation folder, restart UI-View.

30 iunie 2011

Back in Bucharest

Yeah, I am back in Bucharest after a very nice trip around Central Europe.
Maranza, Como, Interlaken and, finally, Friedrichshafen, the Ham Fair 2011!
Here are some pictures from this trip, mainly from Ham Fair!

Of course, after a rainy day, nothing compares with a nice Hooters beer!
More pictures here.

14 iunie 2011

Europe trip, mobile HF calling...

Tomorrow I will be on the road to Friedrichschaffen.
The plan is to reach the destination on Thursday, 23rd of June.
Till then, I intend to go through Austria (South Tirol), Italy (Como), Switzerland (Interlaken).
My little VW Golf has extended HF capability (HI) from a ICOM IC-7000, LDZ Z-11 Pro II and a Sirio Turbo 4000 2m heigh antenna.
This equipment give me the possibility to work on HF bands, from 80m to 6m, so, from time to time check the following frequencies:

-3705 kHz;
-7150 kHz;
-14300 kHz;
-18150 kHz;
-21380 kHz;
-24940 kHz;
-28428 and 28.480 kHz;
-50133 kHz.

In VHF and UHF, I will try QSO on various repeaters. In simplex, I will be QRV on 145,500 MHz.

The maximum output power I will use will be 50 W.

Also, a TH-D72 with external antenna will transmit APRS position (SSID=YO3HJV-7).

The callsigns:
-Hungary (just passing): HA/YO3HJV/m
-Slovenia (just passing): S5/YO3HJV/m
-Austria: OE/YO3HJV/m or/p
-Italy: IN3/YO3HJV/m in Bolzano area and I2/YO3HJV/m or/p in Como area.
-Switzerland: HB9/YO3HJV/m
-Deutschland: DL/YO3HJV/m

Hope to catch you on the band!

73 de YO3HJV/m.

03 iunie 2011

Radioamatorismul si religia

Am citit recent un articol scris de Bob, K0NR (http://www.k0nr.com/blog/2007/09/religion-and-ham-radio.html) care m-a pus pe ganduri si care trage un semnal de alarma in ceea ce priveste proliferarea “credintelor” in radioamatorism. Nu, nu este vorba despre IN CINE credem ci despre cum ne insusim diferite pareri ce nu ne apartin si pe care le luam “de bune” doar pentru ca sunt emise de diferiti “guru”.

Las traducerea exacta a articolului pe seama specialistilor si incerc aici doar sa atrag atentia asupra aceluiasi fenomen, periculos, de care nici radioamatorismul din YO nu a scapat in ultimii ani…

Daca mergem la dictionar, definitia este urmatoarea:

RELÍGIE, religii, s. f. 1. Sistem de credințe (dogme) și de practici (rituri) privind sentimentul divinității și care îi unește, în aceeași comunitate spirituală și morală, pe toți cei care aderă la acest sistem; totalitatea instituțiilor și organizațiilor corespunzătoare; confesiune, credință. Fig. Crez, cult. 2. Disciplină predată în școală, având ca scop educarea și instruirea elevilor în spiritul religiei (1) date. – Din fr. religion, lat. religio, -onis, germ. Religion.

Radioamatorismul, asa cum il stim cu totii, este o continuua preocupare in sensul perfectionarii noastre ca utilizatori de echipamente care permit radiocomunicatiile.

Asta inseamna ca “datoria” noastra este sa citim, sa intelegem si sa ne punem intrebari al caror raspuns trebuie verificat plecand de la principii teoretice verificate practic sau de la legitati indiscutabile.

Religios nu este doar cel ce crede in Dumnezeu ci si cel care crede orbeste in ceva ce i se spune, fara ca cele spuse sa le fi verificat inainte folosind propria ratiune.

Religios este cel care, intr-o dezbatere cu argumente lasa usor sa paleasca faptele si incepe sa contureze o pozitie de tipul “asa cred eu”, fara ca in afirmatie sa se regaseasca o explicatie ori o argumentatie cel putin logica.

Radioamatorismul, in mod special ar trebui sa excluda asimilarea informatiei pe baze “democratice”, adica plecand de la principiul ca, “daca ceilalti spun o prostie, asa trebuie ca e pentru ca sunt multi care cred in ea” iar radioamatorii, prin definitie, sunt inclinati spre cercetare si dubiu.

Este complet gresita si neproductiva atitudinea intepenita in “bun sau rau” in care radioamatorismul – nu numai cel din YO – a alunecat in ultimii ani; exista suficiente exemple care ilustreaza aceasta atitudine si din care Bob citeaza doua, semnificative: dezbaterea Windows vs. Linux si D-Star vs. APCO 25, Yaesu vs. Kenwood, tuburi vs. tranzistori…

La noi, semne ingrijoratoare vin din partea “credinciosilor” in dezbaterea “sport vs. hobby” si “etatizat vs. privat”. Din fericire, cea referitoare la “sarma vs. directiva” s-a cam incheiat, in favoarea celei din urma!

Avem la indemana instrumentele necesare pentru a intelege daca parerile sunt corecte in sine, avem experienta si trecutul care sunt un cadru suficient de cuprinzator pentru a le putea verifica si, in sfarsit, in jurul nostru exista suficiente experiente pozitive pentru a ne putea raporta la ele!

Dar, mai intai, este nevoie sa “resetam” parerile preconcepute si sa ne propunem sa privim dilemele in mod cate se poate de obiectiv, aducandu-le la un numitor comun si abia apoi evaluand beneficiile si dezavantajele.

Abia atunci vom putea spune ca am depasit stadiul de om “religios” si ca am devenit radioamatori cu adevarat! sau office@asrr.org.

Publicat in RadioMagazinYO, revista lunara a Societatii Romane a Radioamatorilor, disponibila in format electronic pe site-ul radioclubului YO3KSR si, in format tiparit, pe baza de abonament.

26 mai 2011

"Two on a Bicycle" - Friedrichschafen-Timisoara

A team of two (Ham and XYL) plan to made an epic bicycle trip in June!
The intend to depart from Friedrichschafen, just after the Ham Fair (June, 27 th), to keep the road among the Eurovelo 6.
The trip will be around 1.000 miles and they want to "touch" the following cities:

Tuttlingen- Sigmaringen- Ulm- Ingolstadt- Regensburg- Passau- Linz- Viena- Bratislava- Komarno- Budapesta- Szeged- Timisoara

They will use VHF/UHF portable radio for QSO's and kindly ask for some support for camping!
If anyone can help them, please be aware on 2m/70cm for this callsign: