XIEGU G90 Collection

15 ianuarie 2012

International HF "Bucuresti" Contest 2012

We are almost ready to propose you a new format for the traditional BUCURESTI Contest!

Here is a teaser. More information will be soon available on the official page at YO3KSR.

GL & GDX & Happy contesting!
73 de YO3HJV


Romanian Society of Radioamateurs–YO3KSR Club


March 19, 2012, 16.00-18.59 UTC


80 m

CW – from 3510 to 3560 kHz;

SSB – from 3675 to 3775 kHz;

PSK31 – from 3580 to 3590 kHz

40 m

CW – from 7010 to 7035 kHz;

SSB –from 7090 to 7100 kHz, and from 7130 to7200 kHz;

PSK31 – from 7040 to 7045 kHz


Can be chosen one of these categories:

- A - QRP - (max.5 W PEP) single operator

- B - LPI - Low power - single operator (max.100 W PEP)

Note: equipment used at this category must be limited to maximum 100W PEP. If transmitter is capable of more than 100W PEP operator must reduce the power at maximum100WPEP

- C - LPG - Low power group – two or more operator (maximum 100 W PEP)

Note: equipment used at this category must be limited to maximum 100W PEP. If transmitter is capable of more than 100W PEP operator must reduce the power to maximum 100WPEP

- D - SWL - receiver (only category « MIXT »)

And one of these working modes:

-E – Mixt – any of two or more transmission modes

-F – Phone – SSB

-G – CW – Morse code

-H – Digi – PSK31


- YO stations: RS(T) + serial number starting with 001 + 2 letters code (Bucharest district (a.k.a “sector”) code XA-XF for YO3 stations, or county code for YO counties).

Operators with YO3 prefix will give the report as follow XA-XF only if the transmitter is located in Bucharest XA-XF districts (a.k.a “sector”), if not will give the report accordingly with the county/country where is located the transmitter.

- Foreign stations (other than YO’s): RS(T) + serial number starting with 001 + 2 letters code (code= internet domain. E.g.: Russia=RU, Hungary=HU, Bulgaria=BG, Moldova=MD etc.).


A. YO stations:

- 1 QSO YO3 - YO3, YO – YO, YO – Foreign= 2 pct.

- 1 QSO YO3 - YO, YO - YO3, YO3 – Foreign = 4 pct.

B. Foreign stations:

- 1 QSO with a YO operator or Foreign = 2 pct.

- 1 QSO with a YO3 = 4 pct. (only for transmitters that are located in Bucharest’s districts)

SWL: must log both call signs and both controls transmitted, maxim 5 consecutive QSO’s with the same call sing.

Multipliers: number of counties (AB, AG,... etc.) + number of country codes. (see Appendix) + number of different Bucharest districts YO3 (XA, XB, XC, XD, XE, XF)


Operators are entitle to work with any station once in CW, once is SSB and once in PSK31 according to band plan described above and multiplier will count only once in such cases. Also QSO’s logged in different bands with same station are scored with the same number of points

Final Score

Final Score = (summ of points of the two bands 80m and 40m) * (summ of multipliers of the two bands 80m and 40m).

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