XIEGU G90 Collection

21 august 2013

FT 857D Manpack - revisited, ep.3.

Yeap, the last week we tested the new manpack. Well, "tested" is too much because we was too busy with "palinca*" due to the 15 Celsius deg at Muntele Rosu. In the pictures YO3IPC may be seen testing the gear. Some 20m QSO with A61, UR and DE was made to proof the concept.

25W to 50W was used  and the variable ratio UnUn was the best solution for tuning the Harris foldable whip from 80m to 12 m.

Some guys asked me for the antenna... Is a HARRIS, AT-271A with a AB-129/PR Flexibase for this antenna.

Has around 2m heigh (abt 7 feet ) and covers nicely the entire HF ham bands.

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