XIEGU G90 Collection

21 aprilie 2014


Well, I'm back in Bucharest from a long and exciting trip in Cheile Latoritei at Petrimanu Lake. Very nice!
Heavy road, a lot of rain and, of course, some snow. The rain almost destroyed the road so we had to use two chainsaws to make the road available...
The CODAN 9350 didn't performed as I was expect. Impossible to use it under 10 MHz but over worked as a charm. I have to think to a longer whip. Maybe one from a CB antenna with some sort of adapter.
We (YO3HJV and YO8RNI) used a improvised long wire to work from YOFF-420. I have a lot of paper-log to put into the PC so, please, be patience, I will do it in the next weeks...
As for today... Guess what? It was a sunny day with over 20 Celsius!

 I painted two orange strips on the CODAN 9350 antenna just for the other on the road. It's more visible and the lights make it visible into the deepest dark also.

73 de YO3HJV

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