XIEGU G90 Collection

19 iulie 2015

D1DNR-Pirate radio from pirate country

Today I catch on 20m band a strange callsign: D1DNR.
Searching a little on the internet I found that the operator is from so-called Donetsk Republic.
This is a teritory controlled by separatist armed groups. Basically, it's a region under control of a terrorist group (as defined by the administration of Ukraine).
Donetsk is recognised only by South Osetia, another terrorist/separatist region.
As a authorised ham operator, I remember that I cannot make QSO (radio contacts) with non-authorised stations!
And D1DNR falls into this category as the Donetsk "administration" is not recognised by ITU and IARU! Period!
For me, the callsign D1DNR is just another way for "Mother Russia" to seek legitimacy for it's terrorist activities using the radioamateurs.
So, every QSO with D1DNR and other "Donetsk Republic" stations is clearly a helping hand to separatists.
If you listen to the QSO's, you will find that many russian stations are happy to talk with this pirate station from the pirate Donetsk!

A little extras from Wikipedia about Donetsk Republic:

The entity was declared on 7 April 2014 by a group of armed and masked militants led by Russian Col. Igor Girkin[18] who at the time occupied the Regional Administration and the City Hall buildings in Donetsk.[19][20][21][22][23] Occupation of government buildings then spread to other cities in the region.

8 comentarii:

  1. Necajitule, m-am uitat la Digital Master in HRD, si "haleste" cam 10% din resurse la procesor, la MiniCalculator Igel Thin Client.
    Abia acum mi-am adus aminte ca mai intrebat la telefon.
    Si asta la 512M ram, daca pui 1G cred ca zboara.

  2. Thank you that do not support terrorists and pirates, 73 from Lithuania!

  3. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de administratorul blogului.

  4. Vitas,
    It's sad that our hobby is used as weapon in the Psy wars by some rude people. I strogly believe in the freedom and self-regulation of hamradio and I am am thinking that If regulators will see this kind of "joy" when working this kind of stations we will loose some of our privileges. 73 de Adrian yo3hjv

  5. Unfortunally during the UBA DX CW Contest I worked this station.
    During the contest its not possible to test all calls.
    The QSO was endet, then by logging the Log program said "no valid DXCC" - but QSO is alredy done. OK shit happends...SRI

  6. It’s also interesting that for many years, stations have been operating as 1B1 from northern Cyprus - again totally illegal.

  7. It’s also interesting that for many years, stations have been operating as 1B1 from northern Cyprus - again totally illegal.

  8. It’s also interesting that for many years, stations have been operating as 1B1 from northern Cyprus - again totally illegal.
