XIEGU G90 Collection

08 aprilie 2018

Some Vertical Antenna Experiments

On my second QTH  I have a vertical antenna (Hustler 4BTV) placed directly on the ground. It works amazing but has only 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz.
Because I dont want to spend the money for add-on's, I wondered if I could put some tuned elements in paralell.
The first experiment was to add 6m. The resonator was made from two Al pipes and worked excellent for more than a year.
Therefore, I stepped to "Phase Two" of the project, adding 17m band and 80m band.
The resonators was from a discontinued antenna.
From left to right: Main antenna>6m resonator>17m resonator

The 80m resonator clipped on the main resonator.

80m resonator - detail

First impressions:
-The SWR is excellent in 17m band, covering the whole band with less than 1,7:1. Some USA stations heard this evening (15:00 UTC, 8 April 2018)
-The SWR in 80m is 1,5:1 between 3700 kHz - 3730 kHz. A lot or Russian stations and weak YO stations. No good NVIS despite the resonator being horizontal!

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