XIEGU G90 Collection

08 aprilie 2020

Triggering preset Voice memories and CW Memories on IC-7300

1. Voice memory M1 - M8

The PC send to the radio the following:
$FE $FE $to $from $28 $00 $## $FD
## - Memory Location

2. CW Memory M1 - M8
It cannot be sent directly by a dedicated command via CI-V. (found it hard way, confirmed HERE)
Therefore, a workaround can be done like this:

1. Read the memory by sending
$FE $FE $DEV $RADIO $1A $02 $## $FD (## 1 to 8)
 the radio will respond with byte string 
$FE $FE $DEV $RADIO $1A $02 ____ 70 bytes $FD

2. Load the bytes into an Array
      Mem1[77] ; The Array will have 6 bytes preamble, 70 bytes message, 1 byte STOP BYTE (EOM)
3.  For (int i = 6, i<=76, i++)
    { byte CW = Mem1[i];
       This will send the stored message.

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