XIEGU G90 Collection

06 noiembrie 2021

Can ICOM IC-7000 microphone be used with Xiegu G90?

 Yes, it can be use!

As a matter of fact, any RJ-45 ICOM microphone can be used with Xiegu G90 transceiver.

Of course, the ICOM remote microphone is using a different serial protocol to communicate with the radio so the function buttons WILL NOT work.

Basic PTT and modulation WILL work. 

I also tried with the microphone from other radio, from ic-703 and IT DOES WORK.

This is the proof, in a small video I made this evening after a fellow ham said on FB his combination is not working.

Here are some comments about the Xiegu G90 RJ45 microphone pinout:

The RJ45 is the female connector as seen when you look to the front panel!

MDATA - This is the serial Data from Microphone to Front Panel Unit. Pretty similar to CAT protocol but with some differences. It is not ICOM Compatible but the voltage level is the same.
GND - Ground. Not Shield.
MIC - Audio signal from microphone to radio (HOT signal).
MICE - Microphone ground, the shield of the microphone signal wire.
PTT - PTT Switch, goes to Ground to switch the radio into TX.
MSVSW - This is a pin used on ICOM radios to identify the microphone type. Not used in Xiegu G90.
NC - Not Connected
8V - 8V from the 9V LDO. Actually, around 8.7V on the G90.

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