XIEGU G90 Collection

24 martie 2022

Clubul Competitional Bavarez cu privire la decizia CQ WPX

Ca urmare a deciziei CQ WPX de a limita participarea la concursuri, Chris, DL1MGB a postat o declaratie pe pagina BCC - Bavarian Contest Club prin care anunta decizia de a nu mai participa la sponsorizarea plachetelor WPX.

Mai jos este traducerea, originalul il gasiti aici.

Este greu de găsit cuvintele potrivite pentru situația actuală la care asistăm Ucraina în aceste zile. De multe ori rămânem într-o dispoziție de furie, tristețe și anxietate. 

Mulți dintre noi trăim departe de evenimente. 

Suntem îngrijorați pentru persoanele afectate și ne întristăm împreună cu ei pentru pierderile lor. 

Dincolo de donațiile noastre pentru a ușura o mică parte din suferință, opțiunile noastre de a ajuta sunt limitate. 

Embargourile economice, boicoturile și declarațiile politice care sunt concentrate să lovească guvernele și persoanele responsabile, sunt cu siguranță necesare, dar nu întotdeauna satisfac așteptările.

De curand, CQ Communications, Inc., a decis să limiteze participarea radioamatorilor din Rusia, Belarus și regiunea Donbas la concursurile CQ World Wide DX și WPX pe care le organizeaza. 
Jurnalele din aceste regiuni vor conta doar ca jurnal de verificare (check log), iar contactele cu acestea vor număra zero puncte pentru noi toți.

Clubul de Concurs Bavarez consideră această decizie ca fiind inadecvată și fara utilitate  pentru comunitatea de radioamatori care participa la concursuri.

Printre alte principii nobile, Radioamatorul este de natură apolitică.
Radioamatorismul este un hobby, o activitate de timp liber. 
Radioamatorii a fost întotdeauna mândri că au conectat diferite țări, culturi și oameni cu opinii diferite. 
Radioamatorismul nu a fost niciodată conceput ca aplicare a presiunii politice.

Clubul de Concurs Bavarez consideră că nu este o deturnare a competiției oferirea de plachete ca premiu atunci când sunt exclusi un număr mare de concurenți în același timp. 

A exclude un grup de concurenți doar pentru că sunt conduși de un regim care în prezent este disputat și acuzat puternic nu este ceea ce noi intelegem prin Ham Spirit.

Prin urmare, clubul de concurs bavarez va opri temporar sponsorizarea plăcii pentru viitoarele concursuri CQ World Wide WPX SSB și CW. 
Aceasta include si cele patru plăcuțe pentru categoriile Rookie și Youth. 
Clubul de Concurs Bavarez este, de asemenea, sponsor al altor patru plăcuțe în Concursul CQWW DX și Concursul CQWW RTTY DX. 

Această sponsorizare va fi evaluată ulterior.

Chris DL1MGB
Președintele Clubului de Concurs Bavarez

23 martie 2022


Amateur radio can help rebuild bridges between PEOPLE after the voice of the weapons goes out. 

Wars are horrible and the principles of amateur radio can help us preserve our humanity by being able to see in the other beyond its religious, political, economic or social class choices. 

How many conflicts have existed on the Globe since the beginning; if we had let them prevail, now we would not have had amateur radio. 

There are a lot of other options through which you can get involved on one side or the other, just let amateur radio remain one of the bridges on which peace can come. 

73 de YO3HJV

16 martie 2022

Russian AZART R-178 in Ukraine War

Despite the rumors, the Russian are not using Baofeng Two Way radios in Ukraine invasion.

They are using more modern and advanced communication systems, many of them head to head to NATO ones and even better than the Motorola DP4801 used by Ukraine forces.

They are also use MotoTrbo radios like SL-1600 but these are supposed to be captured and used for eavedropping to enemy comms.

The most interesting of all is the AZART system.

AZART R178 is a sixth generation SDR radio able to do almost every waveform.

The tactical radios communicate on frequencies between 27-520MHz at ranges up to 4 kilometres. The MoD states they can also communicate with mobile phones and can receive modulated signals – the turning of digital data into radio signals.

The AZART-P1 (designated R-187) appears to have entered service in 2017, with deliveries continuing intermittently thereafter. It is designed to provide secure, jam-resistant communications for the Russian armed forces.

Due to implementation of a unique algorithm of pseudo-random operational frequency readjustment (FHSS) that becomes impossible for the enemy's EW assets to suppress the radio channels, intercept or input falsified data.

Integrated navigation means provide self-positioning with accuracy of 25 m in latitude/longitude and 40 m in altitude. It is possible to exchange data on positions of subscribers in automatic and manual modes.

The R-187-P1E portable radio station has an inbuilt IR port and USB interface to plug in the PC.

The radio station has:

an automatic relay mode and
a time division multiplex mode.

Inbuilt means of packet switching ensure interconnectivity of the Azart system with data transfer networks and civil cellular radio telephone networks. This advantage can be used by Special Forces units when conducting missions in urban areas.

Algorithms integrated into the radio stations' software allow realization of network solutions with properties of self-organization and self-recovery.

It enables establishment of distributed digital networks in the combat area using only two types of radio stations in portable and vehicle-mounted versions.

Due to implementation of a unique algorithm of pseudo-random operational frequency readjustment (FHSS) that becomes impossible for the enemy's EW assets to suppress the radio channels, intercept or input falsified data.

Integrated navigation means provide self-positioning with accuracy of 25 m in latitude/longitude and 40 m in altitude. It is possible to exchange data on positions of subscribers in automatic and manual modes.

The R-187-P1E portable radio station has an inbuilt IR port and USB interface to plug in the PC.

The radio station has:

an automatic relay mode and
a time division multiplex mode.

Inbuilt means of packet switching ensure interconnectivity of the Azart system with data transfer networks and civil cellular radio telephone networks. This advantage can be used by Special Forces units when conducting missions in urban areas.

Algorithms integrated into the radio stations' software allow realization of network solutions with properties of self-organization and self-recovery.

 The software supports all existing and future communication standards. The radio station is made exclusively on the domestic element base. The basis of the PC Azart P1 is a domestic microprocessor with a frequency of 1GHz, the manufacturing technology corresponds to the 65nm process. The time of continuous operation of the product from one battery is from 6 to 12 hours. Provides data transfer at speeds up to 7.2 kbps. "Azart" allows you to determine the coordinates of GLONASS / GPS with an accuracy of 25 m in latitude and longitude and 40 m in height. Portable radio stations of the 6th generation R-187P1 (previously called "Azart" P1) were successfully used to ensure the security of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and the XI Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi. The decision to use the R-187P1 radio stations was made following the results of a positive experience of use in providing security measures at the Universiade in Kazan. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia developed and implemented, together with the specialists of NPO Angstrem, a complex scheme for organizing radio communications, which made it possible to organize stable and continuous control of units of the group of troops throughout the territory of the areas of responsibility (taking into account the complexities and features of the terrain) and complete all tasks in full. In the process of organizing radio communications using the R-187P1 during the Olympic Games, the necessary number of radio networks was organized, several relay points were deployed, both ground and air, which made it possible to significantly increase the range of radio communications (ground - up to 18 km, air - up to 70 km). It is worth noting that R-187P1 were also used as repeaters. This is a radio station with programmable radio standards. The radio station operates in a wide range of bands and is capable of providing communication between all existing types of telecommunication technologies - satellite, cellular, Internet, FM radio or digital TV, etc. It alone is able to replace the entire existing fleet of radio stations, while configuring the desired frequency ranges and types of communication is done programmatically. Besides, the device is highly resistant to electronic countermeasures. “I would like to note the Azart radio station of the Angstrem company with a frequency response rate of 20,000 jumps / s. Although not everything worked out in this project, but a bold idea and a non-trivial approach to its solution deserve praise,” said Yuri Sofyannikov, director of the YURION STC. The hopping frequency of 20,000 jumps / sec, such "escape" guarantees resistance to suppression, even if the interference generator hangs overhead under the wing of the UAV or is located several hundred meters away. If there is none, then Azart-P1 is able to operate at fixed frequencies. but a bold idea and a non-trivial approach to its solution are commendable,” said Yuri Sofyannikov, director of the YURION STC. The hopping frequency of 20,000 jumps / sec, such "escape" guarantees resistance to suppression, even if the interference generator hangs overhead under the wing of the UAV or is located several hundred meters away. If there is none, then Azart-P1 is able to operate at fixed frequencies. but a bold idea and a non-trivial approach to its solution are commendable,” said Yuri Sofyannikov, director of the YURION STC. The hopping frequency of 20,000 jumps / sec, such "escape" guarantees resistance to suppression, even if the interference generator hangs overhead under the wing of the UAV or is located several hundred meters away. If there is none, then Azart-P1 is able to operate at fixed frequencies.


 Portable radio station "Azart-P1" provides the following types and modes of operation:
 - voice transmission both in analog form (FM) and in digital form (TETRA, PRCH) in simplex negotiation mode; 
- voice transmission in duplex negotiation mode (if TETRA infrastructure is available);
- data transfer at speeds up to 7.2 kbps;
- pseudo-random frequency tuning at a rate of 20,000 jumps per second;
 - determination of coordinates using space radio navigation systems (CRNS) GLONASS / GPS with a positioning accuracy of at least 25 m in latitude and longitude and 40 m in height (using only C / A - code);
 - scanning reception at predetermined frequencies (FM);
- duty reception; 
- duty reception with an economizer;
- time division relaying (TETRA);
 - text messaging (TETRA);
- signal-code communication;
- automated input of radio data via wired and wireless channels.
 - operating temperature range from minus 30 to plus 55 degrees C;
 - range of extreme temperatures from minus 50 C to plus 55 degrees C;
- there are no requirements for stability when exposed to a shock wave, ionizing radiation, electromagnetic and light pulses of a nuclear explosion, acoustic noise, mold fungi, salt (sea) fog, special media (rocket fuel components).
The time of continuous operation of the product from one rechargeable battery should be: at least 6 hours for BA PAKD.563511.001 and at least 12 hours for BA-12 PAKD.563511.005 with a transmission / reception / duty reception time ratio of 1:1:9.
The operating frequency range of the product in the VHF range should be 27 ... 220 MHz, in the UHF1 range 220 ... 520 MHz with an operating frequency grid step: - 1; 6.25; 8.33; 12.5; 25 kHz in the VHF band; - 25; 250; 500; 1000 kHz in the UHF1 range 
The product must provide the following operations with radio data and settings:
 - automated input via wireless Bluetooth and infrared channel;
- automated input via a wired channel;
 - manual input from the front panels;
- automated performance monitoring;
 - input via communication channel;
- emergency erasure.
The transceiver PAKD.464113.006 of the product must have interfaces for setting (configuring) RS-485, USB2.0.
The communication range of the product when operating in the PF mode with the same type of radio stations and at the maximum output power of the transceiver must be at least 4 km and provided during 99% of the time of the day, at any time of the year and on 90% of the terrain, at frequencies free from interference, in the parking lot and in motion on medium terrain.
 The product must provide the following type of services
 - voice transmission in duplex negotiation mode between 2 subscribers (if TETRA infrastructure is available);
- file exchange in TETRA mode;
- voice transmission in the simplex mode of negotiating between several subscribers simultaneously (circular communication);
- voice transmission in the simplex mode of negotiation between 2 subscribers;
- exchange of navigation information in TETRA mode;
 - transmission of text messages in real time in TETRA mode;
- signal-code communication in TETRA mode;
The product must provide software-defined tuning according to the pseudo-random law of frequency channels (frequency hops), with a maximum speed of at least 20,000 hops per second.
The product must provide counter-operation on the same sections of the frequency range with radio stations R-163, R-168, R-169 and "Duet" in the FChS mode.
 The device for inputting radio data via the USB interface must provide reading and writing information, the maximum amount of stored information is 512MB.
 Dimensions of the transceiver PAKD.464113.006 no more than (195×70×40) mm.

Airborne repeater for AZART System, AZART-UPP

AZART R-187 Main Characteristics:

04 martie 2022

Letter from hams of Russia

 Letter: Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of Russian radio amateurs, we appeal to all radio amateurs in the world and their leaders – heads of national organizations.

Since its formation in 1992, the Russian Amateur Radio Union has consistently adhered to the national legislation in the field of communications, the principles of ham spirit, and since joining the IARU in 1994, the IARU Constitution.

Over the past decades, the world has experienced a series of military conflicts involving the United States, NATO and their allies in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and a number of other countries. And never, no matter which side the Russian state is on in this or that conflict, the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia did not allow itself any unfriendly steps towards radio amateurs and amateur radio organizations of the countries participating in the conflicts.

And now we expect from radio amateurs and national amateur radio organizations the same responsible approach that they themselves have taken during these three decades.

Each of us off the air can give his own assessment of what is currently happening in Ukraine, but today we can and must demonstrate to the public that radio amateurs are a community of people who treat each other with respect, regardless of political beliefs, religion and nationality. The amateur radio service promotes mutual communication and friendship between people, IARU is out of politics. This is what the IARU leadership emphasizes in their appeal dated February 28, 2022.

World history, including the history of amateur radio, knows many examples when unfriendly steps, various boycotts only aggravated conflicts. At the same time, it was radio amateurs who many times came to the aid of victims of disasters and emergencies, providing communication, and thereby saving people’s lives.

In connection with the events in Ukraine, the Russian Amateur Radio Union invites radio amateurs and amateur radio organizations – members of the IARU to remain true to amateur radio traditions: to refrain from rash emotional acts using Amateur Radio in any of its manifestations for this, not to lose contact with each other, to show wisdom and mutual respect and thereby contribute to the speedy settlement of the situation.

Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia.

QRZ.COM banned Russian Ham

 Sunt radioamator de multi ani. Intotdeauna am raspuns unui apel facut de un radioamator din alta tara. Imi amintesc de evenimente violente din alte tari cand comunitatea noastra realizam legaturi cu
radioamatori din acele zone. 

Potrivit regulamentelor, activitatea noastra este deasupra intereselor si subiectelor politice sau religioase care zguduie lumea de astazi. Simplul fapt ca puteam stabili o legatura radio la mare distanta ne spunea ca celalalt prieten (caci in radioamatorism suntem toti prieteni) era un semn ca celalalt era bine si in siguranta.

Conducatorii nostri politici pot lua decizii mai bune sau mai proaste. Aceste decizii pot sa ne afecteze viata noastra de zi cu zi insa in radioamatorism suntem toti la fel, uniti doar de pasiunea care ne ocupa timpul si ne ajuta sa depasim momentele grele.

Ca radioamatori, unii dintre noi suntem implicati in ajutorarea comunitatilor si a oamenilor care sufera in urma dezastrelor, a cataclismelor sau a situatiilor de urgenta. Este modul in care ne aratam solidaritatea fata de cei in nevoie. Si niciodata nu ii intrebam ce steag flutura deasupra lor. Pentru noi, legaturile radio aduc egalitatea sociala. 

Ne mandrim ca in randurile noastre s-au aflat capete incoronate, regi si politicieni si toti facem abstractie de culoarea pielii, religie sau apartenenta politica fiind, poate, prima comunitate internationala care am introdus si aplicat conceptul de egalitate in Istorie. 

Cu toate acestea, in loc sa continuam sa fim promotorii acestor valori si principii, unii dintre noi au decis sa renunte la ele abandonandu-le la prima rafala de vant.

Sanctionarea de catre QRZ.COM a radioamatorilor din Rusia prin eliminarea lor din rezultatele interogarii bazelor de date este un gest care m-a uimit si m-a intristat. 

Apoi m-a revoltat. Radioamatorii din Rusia sunt, in primul rand, oameni ca mine, ca tine si ca oricare alt detinator de indicativ de radioamator. Pedepsirea lor pentru aventurile politice ale conducatorilor este absurda si nu face decat sa taie legaturile intre noi, oamenii.

Nu sunt cu nimic mai buni sau mai rai ca ceilalti de cealalta parte a unei granite. 

Intotdeauna am crezut ca radioamatorismul este ultimul loc unde se mai pot intalni getlemeni. 

Pana acum.


Je suis radioamateur depuis de nombreuses années. J'ai toujours répondu à un appel d'une radio amateur dans un autre pays. Je me souviens d'événements violents dans d'autres pays lorsque notre communauté a établi des liens avec la radio amateur dans ces régions. Selon la réglementation, notre activité est au-dessus des intérêts et des sujets politiques ou religieux qui secouent le monde aujourd'hui. Le simple fait que nous puissions établir une liaison radio longue distance nous disait que l'autre ami (car en radio amateur nous sommes tous amis) était un signe que l'autre allait bien et en sécurité.

Nos dirigeants politiques peuvent prendre de meilleures ou de pires décisions. Ces décisions peuvent affecter notre quotidien, mais en radioamateur nous sommes tous pareils, unis uniquement par la passion qui occupe notre temps et nous aide à surmonter les moments difficiles.

En tant que radioamateurs, certains d'entre nous sont impliqués dans l'aide aux communautés et aux personnes victimes de catastrophes, de cataclysmes ou d'urgences. C'est notre façon de montrer notre solidarité avec ceux qui en ont besoin. Et nous ne lui avons jamais demandé quel drapeau il flottait au-dessus d'eux. Pour nous, les liaisons radio apportent l'égalité sociale.

Nous sommes fiers d'avoir des têtes couronnées, des rois et des politiciens dans nos rangs, et nous ignorons tous la couleur de la peau, la religion ou l'appartenance politique, étant peut-être la première communauté internationale à introduire et appliquer le concept d'égalité dans l'histoire.

Cependant, au lieu de continuer à être les promoteurs de ces valeurs et principes, certains d'entre nous ont décidé d'y renoncer en les abandonnant au premier coup de vent.

La sanction par QRZ.COM des amateurs russes en les supprimant des résultats de la requête de la base de données est un geste qui m'a étonné et attristé.

Puis il m'a outragé. Les radioamateurs amateurs en Russie sont avant tout des gens comme moi, comme vous et comme tout autre détenteur d'indicatif d'appel radioamateur. Leur punition pour les aventures politiques des dirigeants est absurde et ne fait que couper les liens entre nous, le peuple.

Ils ne sont ni meilleurs ni pires que les autres de l'autre côté d'une frontière.

J'ai toujours cru que la radio amateur était le dernier endroit où les getlemen pouvaient se rencontrer.

Jusque là.


I've been a radio amateur for many years. I always answered a call from an amateur radio in another country. I remember violent events in other countries when our community made connections with amateur radio in those areas. According to the regulations, our activity is above the interests and political or religious subjects that shake the world today. The mere fact that we could establish a long-distance radio connection told us that the other friend (because in amateur radio we are all friends) was a sign that the other was well and safe.

Our political leaders can make better or worse decisions. These decisions can affect our daily lives, but in amateur radio we are all the same, united only by the passion that occupies our time and helps us to overcome difficult moments.

As radio amateurs, some of us are involved in helping communities and people suffering from disasters, cataclysms, or emergencies. It is the way we show solidarity with those in need. And we never asked him what flag he was flying over them. For us, radio links bring social equality.

We are proud to have crowned heads, kings and politicians in our ranks, and we all ignore skin color, religion or political affiliation, being perhaps the first international community to introduce and apply the concept of equality in history.

However, instead of continuing to be the promoters of these values ​​and principles, some of us have decided to give them up by abandoning them to the first gust of wind.

QRZ.COM's sanctioning of Russian amateurs by removing them from the database query results is a gesture that amazed and saddened me.

Then he outraged me. Amateur radio amateurs in Russia are, first and foremost, people like me, like you, and like any other amateur radio call sign holder. Their punishment for the political adventures of the leaders is absurd and only cuts the ties between us, the people.

They are no better or worse than the others on the other side of a border.

I have always believed that amateur radio is the last place where getlemen can meet.

Untill now.


Я много лет был радиолюбителем. Я всегда отвечал на звонок радиолюбителя из другой страны. Я помню бурные события в других странах, когда наше сообщество устанавливало связи с радиолюбителями в этих районах. Согласно уставу, наша деятельность стоит выше интересов и политических или религиозных тем, которые сегодня сотрясают мир. Сам факт того, что мы могли установить междугороднюю радиосвязь, говорил нам, что другой друг (поскольку в радиолюбительстве мы все друзья) был признаком того, что другой человек здоров и в безопасности.

Наши политические лидеры могут принимать лучшие или худшие решения. Эти решения могут повлиять на нашу повседневную жизнь, но в радиолюбительстве мы все одинаковы, объединены только страстью, которая занимает наше время и помогает преодолевать трудные моменты.

Как радиолюбители, некоторые из нас помогают сообществам и людям, пострадавшим от стихийных бедствий, катаклизмов или чрезвычайных ситуаций. Так мы проявляем солидарность с теми, кто в ней нуждается. И мы никогда не спрашивали его, под каким флагом он развевался над ними. Для нас радиосвязь приносит социальное равенство.

Мы гордимся тем, что в наших рядах есть коронованные особы, короли и политики, и все мы игнорируем цвет кожи, религию или политическую принадлежность, будучи, возможно, первым международным сообществом, которое ввело и применило концепцию равенства в истории.

Однако вместо того, чтобы продолжать быть пропагандистами этих ценностей и принципов, некоторые из нас решили отказаться от них, бросив на произвол судьбы.

Санкция QRZ.COM в отношении российских любителей путем удаления их из результатов запросов к базе данных — жест, который меня поразил и огорчил.

Тогда он возмутил меня. Радиолюбители в России – это, прежде всего, такие люди, как я, как и вы, и как любой другой радиолюбитель с позывным. Их наказание за политические авантюры вождей абсурдно и только рвет связи между нами, народом.

Они не лучше и не хуже других по ту сторону границы.

Я всегда считал, что любительское радио — это последнее место, где могут встречаться гетлермены.

Слишком далеко.
