27 decembrie 2015

Arduino and SI4713 FM Stereo RDS transmitter

Transmitator stereo FM cu RDS/RBDS SI4713 

I was playing with this circuit but the audio was crap.
Looking into the circuit's datasheet I found that this is a real treasure by having a lot of option which are left unexplored like audio AGS, a very smart audio compressor with the possibility to fine tune the parameters and so on.
So, I was thinking what if I setup more parameters than in the AdaFruit example?
The simplest way to do so was to look into the datasheet and into a very nice document (also from SI Labs) which explain various settings, especially that used for audio path, and sent the commands directly via I2C.
It was just too complicated to write new libraries... I am not so smart!

Here is the Arduino  code for SI4713 FM Stereo transmitter, in my Github. 

Please, let me know if you use it and add a little note if you are using into some other project.

Thank you.

Of course, this is here because a tend to forget where I save documents!

Interesting implementation for the free frequency here:

3 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

Good morning!
Thanks for its very interesting article.
Is it necessary to load first the Adafruit (Adafruit-Si4713-Library-master) libraries or is it enough the firmware you have proposed?
Thank you.
Best regards.


YO3HJV, Adrian spunea...

Sorry for late answer!!!
No, there is no need to load Adafruit library!
That was the scope of this piece of code, to put the values into the registry without using SI4713 library!

The Adafruit library has some limitations and I found it not to work properly. Instead of correcting it I choose to write myself the "things" needed.

Andy spunea...

I was hoping to get this working with esp32 as it looks cleaner than the library available. So far I cannot get the unit working. I have even tried extended timing when taking the rst pin high low high but nothing. Are you still working on this project? what devices to achieve good results with??

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