Well, I had a previous post about a
pirate ham station from the "Republic of Donetsk".
It seems that the russians speculate the wish for HF of our comrade hams and forces (i hope is a forced "option") to use russian issued ham callsigns in order to practice their hobby.
Is sad, it's like taken the favorite toy from a helpless child but the reality is that RK7K is not a valid ham radio callsign.
Because, to be valid, the callsigns had to be issued to a national authority recognised by ITU. Or, the Crimea Peninsula/ Republic of Crimea is under the Ukraine's administration when we are speaking of radio spectrum and coordination!
So, for me, as a Romanian Ham, RK7K is, sadly, just a pirate stations ahich I am not allowed to contact by radio means.
Nope, the QSL card is not mine, but a Romanian fellow ham who was fooled into this info war..
Here is a message from Ukrainian Amateur Radio League:
Mamuka Kordzakhia:
Ukrainian Amateur Radio League
APPEAL to the international amateur radio community
On March 2014 Russia has occupied and annexed Ukrainian territory known as Autonomous Republic of Crimea (UU/UT*J).
of the peninsula had violated fundamental principles of the United
Nations, the Final Act of Helsinki Conference on security and
co-operation in Europe, and number of others international and bilateral
Russian-Ukrainian treaties. Under all these treaties Russia has
undertaken obligations to assure sovereignty and territorial integrity
of Ukraine.
List of obligations and treaties signed by Russia but failed to observe by occupation of Crimea:
Article 2. Clause 4. Charter of the United Nations. “Member-states
shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of
force against the territorial integrity or political independence of
any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the
United Nations”;
b. Article 2. Conference on Security and
Co-operation in Europe. Final act. “The participating States will
refrain in their mutual relations, as well as in their international
relations in general, from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any State…”;
Budapest memorandum. Where Russia, the U.K and the USA reaffirm to
respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of
Ukraine in exchange of abandon nuclear weapon;
d. Article 2. Treaty
of friendship, co-operation and partnership between Russian and Ukraine
(Russian). Where parties respect each other sovereignty and
inviolability of borders in accordance with Charter of the United
Nations and Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Chapter 1. Chapter 15 clause.4 the Constitution of the Russia. Where
mentioned that international treaty shall prevail over domestic once.
is first annexation in Europe for almost 70 years. It is outrage
violations of fundamental principles of European security, which has
been achieved with great difficulties after WWII. Moreover, It creates
very dangerous precedent of selective approach to undertaken
commitments. In Europe and the whole world there is virtually every
state which is not satisfied with its own existing borders, thus,
one-sided revision of borders may bring the world to the brink of WWIII.
is the very first state in the history which has abandoned its nuclear
weapons and ballistic missiles on own will. All stock of weapon was
handed over specifically to Russia in exchange assurance of territorial
integrity formalized by Budapest memorandum. Russia, however, being a
party of Budapest memorandum has committed aggression against Ukraine.
Occupation of the territory took place without prior notice, declaration
of war, suspension of own obligations or withdrawal any of above
mentioned treaties.
International community has resolutely condemned
occupation and annexation of Crimea and stood in favor of territorial
integrity of Ukraine.
4 UN Resolution calling upon states not to recognize changes in status of Crimea;
The Hague declaration following the g7 meeting on 24 March. Condemnation of aggression.
Council of Europe (COE) The illegal annexation of Crimea has no legal effect and is not recognized by the Council of Europe.
European Commission for Democracy through Law (VENICE COMMISSION) Conclusion on
illegality of referendum in Crimea.
President of the USA Barak Obama statement on Ukraine. “The future of Ukraine must be
decided by the people of Ukraine. … Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be
respected, and international law must be upheld”.
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Attachment 5. “We reiterate that
we will not recognize the Russian annexation of Crimea”.
Following illegitimate occupation and annexation the Amateur Union of Russia(SRR) has
hastened to establish its branches in the annexed territory and Russian General Radio Frequency Centre
(GRFC) commenced issuing amateur radio licenses.
The actions of the kind are completely contradict provisions of
f. Section II Article 19. Clause 19.29 § 12 “Allocation of international series and assignment of call
signs” of Radio Regulations of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) which requires that
all stations open to international public correspondence, all amateur stations, and other stations
which are capable of causing harmful interference beyond the boundaries of the territory or
geographical area in which they are located, shall have call signs from the international series
allocated to its administration as given in the Table of Allocation of International Call Sign Series
in Appendix 42.
g. Article 9.5 of Regulations of amateur radio communication of Ukraine which have been
developed on the base of ITU Radio regulations. As per the above article all foreign amateur
radio stations operating in Ukraine should add UT/ in front of their callsigns.
Ukraine is a member of ITU since 1992. It strongly follows provisions of ITU Radio Regulations
and Convention. Both documents have been ratified by the Parliament of Ukraine on 15 July 1994., thus
Ukraine has obtained full legitimate rights to manage frequency spectrum within its territory. Thus, Only
Ukraine through its authorized institutions possesses rights to issue amateur licenses within allocated
series of callsigns. As per Appendix 42, of ITU Regulations series of callsigns allocated for Ukraine are:
Out of above series, Regulations of amateur radio communication of Ukraine allocated following
series of callsigns for Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city:
UU - Autonomous Republic of Crimea
UT5J/UU9 –Sevastopol, Crimean city of special status.
However, Russian GRFC had unlawfully allocated following series:
R*7R* - for Sevastopol, city of special status.
In view of obvious violation of above articles of ITU Regulations as well prefixes allocated by
Ukrainian Center of Radio Frequency (UCRF), all these signs shall be treated as ILLEGAL OF PIRATE.
The only authorized body witch has legitimate rights to manage frequency spectrum as well as
issue on air operation licenses is Ukrainian Center of Radio Frequency (UCRF), the body whose authority
on frequency spectrum management has been confirmed by ITU, Chapter., page. 254
Based on the above stated, the National Radio Amateur organization Ukrainian Amateur Radio
League (UARL) DECLARES that in all contests, award programs other UH/UHF events hosted by UARL
recognized can be only series of callsigns UU – UT5J or foreign callsigns UT/CALLSIGN for Autonomous
Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol and credited for Ukraine.
UARL is APPEALING to the international amateur radio community, contest and award
organizers, ham radio logger developers, all other organizers of any HAM radio UH/UHF events and
activities for the same, namely:
1. Do not recognize issued by occupational authorities following Russian prefixes R*6K*; R*7K*; R*7R*.
2. Do not credit locations Sevastopol, Crimea (Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Respublika Krym) as territory of Russia .
As long as international community considers Crimea as essential part
of Ukraine, the only series of prefixes to be credited are those which
allocated by ITU and UCRF such as UU – UT*J, and (Autonomna Respublica
Krym, Autonomous republic of Crimea or Crimea) and Sevastopol) to be
credited for Ukraine.
4. Credit operation group of islands Black Sea
Coast island groups (Kosa Tuzla, Lebyazh'i) EU-180, as per list of IOTA,
only with Ukrainian callsigns or foreign once with approved prefix
UARL is urging those who had already taken decision which is not in favor of this appeal to reconsider it.
Amateur Radio League once again confirms its commitment to HAM SPIRIT
and particularly emphasize that this appeal has in no way political! On
the contrary, this is the matter of respect of international agreements,
voluntarily undertaken obligations, own law and self-respect. The
principles of business as usual in cases like that just encourage
trespasser for further violations.