Demarata in anul 2007 in Sydney/Australia, actiunea a fost deosebit de bine primita; in anul 2009, la actiune au participat peste 1000 de orase din 88 de tari.
Participarea la "Ora Pamantului" presupune reducerea consumului de curent electric prin stingerea luminilor pe durata unei ore si/sau deconectarea consumatorilor electrici aflati in stand-by.
Societatea Romana a Radioamatorilor isi propune sa sutina aceasta initiativa prin efectuarea de legaturi radio in intervalul 20:00 - 22:00 la data de 27 martie 2010, in benzile HF 80m-23cm, fonie si CW folosind exclusiv echipamente alimentate din baterii reincarcabile.
Statiile care lucreaza cele doua indicative, in intervalul de timp indicat, in cel putin 3 benzi diferite, pot solicita Diploma pusa in circulatie pentru acest eveniment.
Diploma se transmite in format electronic.
Pentru expedierea diplomei in format printat, va rugam sa ne contactati.
In 2009 hundreds of millions of people around the world showed their support by turning off their lights for one hour.
Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.
Romanian Society of Radioamateurs is sustaining this initative by issuing a special QSL card for QSO's with YO3KSR and YR1X stations.
The stations will be active in HF+VHF+SHF bands, from 80m band to 23 cm band, on 27 th of March 2010, between 18:00-20:00 UTC.
The maximum power will be 50W and the stations will be entirely battery operated!
For more than 3 QSO with this stations in 3 different frequency bands, a special Diploma will be sent in electronic format.
For paper Diploma, please contact us via e-mail: yo3 k s r @ gmail. com {remove extra spaces}
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