23 august 2012
To QSL or not!
It is said that the QSL is the final polite of a QSO.
But not in Romania!
In Romania the Bureau is a tabu subject. It is run by a sport federation which puts a lot of energy into making trainers and referees. What do they need referees on a ham contest? I do not know! It seems to me like a stupid ideea to preapre a lot of referees but not radioamateurs! But this is another issue...
So, because I like to send a confirmation, I choose E-qsl.cc. Seems that is a big business there because you can apply to a recognition after you "donate" some amount of money and the award is on a pay basis.
On the other hand, there is LOTW where you can apply for a recognised award and pay only for the award itself!
So, I will maintain my e-qsl subscription just for AG member and migrate to LOTW for awards!
Today I sent the envelope with the ID to ARRL.
21 august 2012
What you can do with a IC-703 in manpack configuration
Here are some videos about QRP HF. The backpack has a Icom IC-703+ with a 9:1 UnUn (homemade). Most of time I use a Clansman/Racal foldable whip (abt.2m long). From time to time I use all kind of random antennas like the one used for a QSO with YU1MTZ at my holiday house in Busteni.
The power supply is a 12V 7 Ah SLA battery.
The log is held in a classic way, on paper and at the end of the day, in HRD log.
The power supply is a 12V 7 Ah SLA battery.
The log is held in a classic way, on paper and at the end of the day, in HRD log.
Yu1MTZ - 40m band (10W)
IK2YTZ - 20m band (5W)
YP1WFF and YO2MTG - 20m band (Costinesti to Timis, short skip!)
20 august 2012
License plate YO3HJV and RVSU
While in Costinesti, I saw a little stall with custom made number plates.
I made two of them. One with my callsign and one with RVSU (Ham radio Emcomm network).
Do you like it?
I made two of them. One with my callsign and one with RVSU (Ham radio Emcomm network).
Do you like it?
18 august 2012

Am reusit sa fac o legatura de exceptie cu YO2MTG aflat pe undeva pe langa Timisoara, in portabil YOFF si el. Ei bine, BANDA in care am facut legatura este cheia! Legatura a fost in 14 MHz pe la ora 10 AM! Cu 5 W, e fain!
Revenind la oile noastre... Dupa ce am lucrat o serie de statii exotice, am zis sa vad ce se mai intampla pe E-QSL. Cam ce confirmari au mai sosit.
Si am constatat ca am o multime de QSL-uri in asteptare pentru ca sunt corespondenti care nu au cont deschis pe e-qsl.
Intentia era sa aplic la DXCC-ul EQSL. Confirmate cu AG (Authenticity Guaranteed) am vreo 85 insa pentru restul pana la 100, desi am facut QSO-urile, corespondentii nu sunt membri AG ori nici macar nu au cont deschis pe E-QSL.
Asa ca, in speranta ca vor da pe blogul meu, pun o casuta de verificare in coloana din dreapta... Cine stie, poate vor face "pasul".
Intre timp, o sa ma preocup sa ma inscriu la LOTW...
Un fenomen interesant: in 21 MHz, o deschidere de aproximativ 30 de minute mi-a oferit placerea unor QSO-uri in plin pile-up cu statii din Uruguay, Argentina, Brazilia.
Some asked me "What is YOFF"?
Well, tarted in Romania in June 2009 by YO3JW Flora Fauna program has taken off in a big way and is about conservation and is aimed at National Parks, Nature Reserves and Coastlines. Like other countries, Romania has now (June 2009) a YOFF program supported by Romanian Society of Radioamateurs.
I ended my portable op so I can post here the log:
QSO: 14000 PSK31 2012-08-19 1002 YO3HJV/P 599 001 HA1BF 599 000 0
QSO: 14000 PSK31 2012-08-19 0953 YO3HJV/P 599 002 JY5HX 599 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0946 YO3HJV/P 59 003 UR5MDY 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0945 YO3HJV/P 59 004 DL1NKS 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0944 YO3HJV/P 59 005 DL1NAX 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0942 YO3HJV/P 56 006 9H4GRS/ 57 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0939 YO3HJV/P 59 007 I0SSW 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0939 YO3HJV/P 59 008 IZ2FOS 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0938 YO3HJV/P 59 009 UA3XAC 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0938 YO3HJV/P 59 010 IZ3WXR 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0936 YO3HJV/P 59 011 SP6OJG 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0934 YO3HJV/P 59 012 RU3FN 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0932 YO3HJV/P 59 013 EA7ITL 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0931 YO3HJV/P 59 014 IW2NUI 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0930 YO3HJV/P 59 015 EA7PY 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0930 YO3HJV/P 59 016 UR7ET 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0921 YO3HJV/P 59 017 UA6FH 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0921 YO3HJV/P 59 018 RZ6YZ 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-19 0917 YO3HJV/P 59 019 SQ6ILB 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-18 1920 YO3HJV/P 59 020 CW1R 59 000 0
QSO: 21000 PH 2012-08-18 1859 YO3HJV/P 59 021 PY1PL 59 000 0
QSO: 21000 PH 2012-08-18 1851 YO3HJV/P 59 022 LT5X 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1844 YO3HJV/P 599 023 R1000M 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 CONTESTI 2012-08-18 1758 YO3HJV/P 599 024 G3ZXX 579 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1752 YO3HJV/P 599 025 SV8IJZ 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1741 YO3HJV/P 599 026 UA1CAS 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1738 YO3HJV/P 599 027 RK9AK 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1734 YO3HJV/P 599 028 DL3KOG 599 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1655 YO3HJV/P 59 029 5B4AIF 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1634 YO3HJV/P 599 030 RU9SG 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1630 YO3HJV/P 599 031 OK1AW 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1626 YO3HJV/P 599 032 4X1AJ 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PSK31 2012-08-18 1622 YO3HJV/P 599 033 YL3ID 599 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1038 YO3HJV/P 55 034 SP2ORL 55 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1032 YO3HJV/P 57 035 SP7WLU 57 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1031 YO3HJV/P 59 036 YO2LGX 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1030 YO3HJV/P 59 037 HA6OB 55 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1029 YO3HJV/P 59 038 I0SSW 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1029 YO3HJV/P 59 039 9A1MB 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1024 YO3HJV/P 59 040 LZ3SM 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1021 YO3HJV/P 59 041 YO3BAP 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1021 YO3HJV/P 59 042 YO2LGH 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1018 YO3HJV/P 59 043 YT1SJ 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1014 YO3HJV/P 59 044 YO5LD 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1009 YO3HJV/P 59 045 UY0UY/P 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-18 1001 YO3HJV/P 59 046 ER1RPF 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 RY 2012-08-18 0930 YO3HJV/P 599 047 UK7AZ 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0909 YO3HJV/P 599 048 1B1AB 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0902 YO3HJV/P 599 049 CS5DFG 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0854 YO3HJV/P 599 050 OK1DKA 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0848 YO3HJV/P 599 051 DL3HXX 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0815 YO3HJV/P 599 052 RA4FW 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0814 YO3HJV/P 599 053 RA4FQ 599 000 0
QSO: 21070 PSK31 2012-08-18 0811 YO3HJV/P 599 054 DK1MBY 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0810 YO3HJV/P 599 055 DK1MBY 599 000 0
QSO: 21000 PSK31 2012-08-18 0806 YO3HJV/P 599 056 4X1AJ 599 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-18 0729 YO3HJV/P 59 057 YL2CZ 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-18 0724 YO3HJV/P 59 058 SP6FHU 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-18 0723 YO3HJV/P 59 059 LY2MM 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-18 0714 YO3HJV/P 59 060 5B4AIF 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-18 0712 YO3HJV/P 59 061 LY5O/P 59 000 0
QSO: 21000 PH 2012-08-18 0708 YO3HJV/P 59 062 RO5D/P 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-17 1710 YO3HJV/P 57 063 VU2OB 56 000 0
QSO: 3500 PH 2012-08-17 1631 YO3HJV/P 59 064 YO4BKM 59 000 0
QSO: 3500 PH 2012-08-17 1630 YO3HJV/P 59 065 YO3FFF 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1620 YO3HJV/P 59 066 US5UZ 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1619 YO3HJV/P 59 067 YO5OAC 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1618 YO3HJV/P 59 068 DL3SB 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1616 YO3HJV/P 59 069 DL1ASF 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1615 YO3HJV/P 59 070 DL1AVK 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1614 YO3HJV/P 59 071 YO3DLW/P 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1613 YO3HJV/P 59 072 OE6WIG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1612 YO3HJV/P 59 073 OM3CHR 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1611 YO3HJV/P 59 074 IZ5HRO 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1610 YO3HJV/P 59 075 YO2MLS 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1610 YO3HJV/P 59 076 SQ9CNN/9 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1609 YO3HJV/P 59 077 SQ6PLD 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1607 YO3HJV/P 59 078 I0SSW 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1607 YO3HJV/P 59 079 IT9DTU 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1606 YO3HJV/P 59 080 I2CZQ 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1606 YO3HJV/P 59 081 R3GMT 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1606 YO3HJV/P 59 082 I3MBG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1602 YO3HJV/P 59 083 OE6KAE 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1601 YO3HJV/P 59 084 HA0HW 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1559 YO3HJV/P 59 085 UX2MF 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1559 YO3HJV/P 59 086 ES1IP 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1558 YO3HJV/P 59 087 YO2LXB 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1557 YO3HJV/P 59 088 SQ9IWR 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1557 YO3HJV/P 59 089 UY0IW 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1556 YO3HJV/P 59 090 US5WCP 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1556 YO3HJV/P 59 091 HA4XG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1556 YO3HJV/P 59 092 IZ2UUG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1555 YO3HJV/P 59 093 DF4TL 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1554 YO3HJV/P 59 094 OM3FR 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1554 YO3HJV/P 59 095 UR7QC 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1554 YO3HJV/P 59 096 SP8BBK 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1553 YO3HJV/P 59 097 SP6KEP 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1553 YO3HJV/P 59 098 YU5BRS 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1552 YO3HJV/P 59 099 HB9TUL 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1552 YO3HJV/P 59 100 LY1SR 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1552 YO3HJV/P 59 101 IZ8FQG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1551 YO3HJV/P 59 102 IZ3LES 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1550 YO3HJV/P 59 103 UR4IQU 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1549 YO3HJV/P 59 104 SP6OJG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1549 YO3HJV/P 59 105 UX7N 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1548 YO3HJV/P 59 106 SP8LEP 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1548 YO3HJV/P 59 107 US5MLC 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1548 YO3HJV/P 59 108 UW1GR 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1547 YO3HJV/P 59 109 SP8AJK 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1546 YO3HJV/P 59 110 SQ3JPV 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1541 YO3HJV/P 59 111 YO2MTG 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-17 1541 YO3HJV/P 59 112 YP0WFF 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 2145 YO3HJV/P 59 113 OD5ARMY 59 000 0
QSO: 21000 PH 2012-08-16 1617 YO3HJV/P 59 114 A60HD 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1233 YO3HJV/P 59 115 IZ1FGZ 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1232 YO3HJV/P 59 116 IZ0LNP 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1231 YO3HJV/P 59 117 RA3OU 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1230 YO3HJV/P 59 118 UR5LJD 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1230 YO3HJV/P 59 119 OK1DSX 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1229 YO3HJV/P 59 120 ON5JE 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1229 YO3HJV/P 59 121 IW2ETR 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1228 YO3HJV/P 59 122 OH3FQJ 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1226 YO3HJV/P 59 123 HB9PNR/P 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1225 YO3HJV/P 59 124 IZ8OFO 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1225 YO3HJV/P 59 125 EA7NL 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1225 YO3HJV/P 59 126 IT9MRM 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1224 YO3HJV/P 59 127 UX2IQ 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1223 YO3HJV/P 59 128 IK5FKF 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1222 YO3HJV/P 59 129 UA6HGY 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1222 YO3HJV/P 59 130 HA5BSW 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1221 YO3HJV/P 59 131 DL3BUA 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1221 YO3HJV/P 59 132 RA3QSY 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1217 YO3HJV/P 59 133 SP1QXK 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1217 YO3HJV/P 59 134 IW2NXI 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-16 1216 YO3HJV/P 59 135 IZ1UIA 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-15 2201 YO3HJV/P 59 136 EK6TA 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-15 2116 YO3HJV/P 59 137 CN2YZ 59 000 0
QSO: 7000 PH 2012-08-15 2055 YO3HJV/P 59 138 G4BVB 59 000 0
QSO: 1800 PH 2012-08-15 2041 YO3HJV/P 59 139 2O12L 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 2032 YO3HJV/P 59 140 IT9CCB 59 000 0
QSO: 21000 PH 2012-08-15 1936 YO3HJV/P 59 141 7W50I 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0559 YO3HJV/P 59 142 DL5EBG 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0558 YO3HJV/P 59 143 UT2GW 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0556 YO3HJV/P 59 144 UY9IF 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0555 YO3HJV/P 59 145 S51RU 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0554 YO3HJV/P 59 146 RA3PCI 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0553 YO3HJV/P 59 147 RZ9OC 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0552 YO3HJV/P 59 148 UA3CS 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0551 YO3HJV/P 59 149 YO2MLM 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0548 YO3HJV/P 59 150 UA4PKN 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0548 YO3HJV/P 59 151 RA3OU 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0526 YO3HJV/P 59 152 YO2MTG 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0525 YO3HJV/P 59 153 YP0WFF 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0514 YO3HJV/P 59 154 HA0NAR 59 000 0
QSO: 14000 PH 2012-08-15 0505 YO3HJV/P 59 155 UR5MAF 59 000 0
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