The Elba vacation has finished... Now I am in Firenze but no unpacking the radio... The hotel policy do not allowed radio operation from room.
This evening i will be in Bologna in order to catch the fly to Bucharest tomorrow morning.
I will post my consideration from Elba operations here on a separate post.
Also, on I will post some of the most beautiful pictures i take in this vacation.
Between 21st of July to 27th of July, I will be on vacation on
Lat: | 42:49:33N (42.82596) |
Lon: | 10:23:24E (10.38987) |
I will work on SSB on 7.060 Mhz, 14.260, 18.128, 21.260, 24.950, 28.460 and 28.560 MHz and 50.110Mhz , under the callsign:
The rig :
-FT857D transceiver;
-Alinco DM-330MVE power supply for full 100W output;
-Horizontal wire dipole for NVIS on 40m and multiband;
-LDG Z-100 Automatic antenna tuner;
-IBM Thinkpad X40 for logbook.
The QSO's will count for IOTA Awards and DCI Awards.
To confirm a QSO, I will use e-qsl service and a special printed QSL Card.
I will also confirm SWL reports via Bureau.
I don't know yet if the QSL card will be sent direct or via Bureau. TBAL.
I don't know if I will have a reliable internet connection but If so, the e-qsl will be sent instantly direct from HRD Logbook.
I will try to setup the antenna for NVIS operation on 40m band in order to give a chance for close european stations to have a QSO with me.
You can ask for sked here, by a short comment. I will try to make the qso's according to this sked askings.
Remember that I am in holiday so... don't be angry if I skip a sked! Please...
You can find more informations of IOTA Program and EU-028 here.
More information about Elba Island, here.
73's de yo3hjv
Later edit:
YO info: The UTC is LT-3hrs.
-2 UTC: 7Mhz;
-6 UTC: 14Mhz;
-8 UTC: 21Mhz,18Mhz, 14Mhz, 7Mhz;
-9 UTC: 14Mhz, 18Mhz, 28Mhz;
-18 UTC: 3.5Mhz;
-19 UTC: 18Mhz, 7Mhz, 3.5Mhz, 21Mhz;
-21 UTC: 14Mhz, 7Mhz, 18Mhz;
-23 UTC: 7Mhz, 14Mhz.
I will operate the frequencies in order as shown above.
The sked is based on the prediction made by VOAPROP. Further changes may occur according to the real conditions.
I believe I will have some problems with the custom... After some phone calls to local custom authorities, I was informed that will be no custom control at departure and at arrival but the guys from antitero will have the final word about my equipments... Hope to get through...

3 comentarii:
YO >>> 28.428Mhz
Vacanta placuta in primul rand!
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