24 noiembrie 2010
Showroom la YO3KSR
Pentru inceput, radioclubul YO3KSR invita curiosii la o prezentare a statiei portabile Wouxun KG-UVD1.
Aveti ocazia sa o testati live la club!
12 noiembrie 2010
Luna viitoare daca ai bafta te vei alege cu o portabila UHF!
Vrei sa simti “celuloza” intre degete? Exista si versiunea tiparita doar ca aceasta este contra cost.
Pana una alta, fugi repede pe www.yo3ksr.ro si fa-ti un cont! Este GRATUIT!
14 octombrie 2010
A new repeater for the South of Romania
We manage to put a repeater on Furnica Peak (KN25RI) near Sinaia at 2000 m asl.
The repeater is a mixed one: it has voice capabilities in UHF (438.825 MHz with 7,6 MHz negative shift) and a Digipeater for Packet Radio and APRS on 144.800 MHz.
The repeater is performing well and is remote controlled.
A novelty for Romanian hams, the repeater has GSM Phone Patch! The phone patch is fully Break In as the repeater is working in duplex mode.
The voice repeater is based on two Motorola CM340 and a Zetron Model 30.
We used a Procomm duplexer and a Sommerkamp X41 antenna.
The coaxial cable is a Andrew Cellflex. The strike protection is made with Polyphaser units.
The digipeater is made with a TNC II clone and a Motorola M100 radio and has around 10W input.
We used a Diamond diplexer to use a single antenna because the conditions there are very rough.
The repeater has a Lead Acid battery (deep discharge) for backup (55Ah).
The repeater was sponsored by:
and made by:
(The Club Station of Romanian Society of Radioamateurs)
and some other enthusiastic hams like
YO3GDI, YO3FKJ, YO3AAS, YO3IHG and, of course, myself).
The coverage is very good; we heard stations from Brasov (over the Bucegi mountains), from Braila, from Pitesti and a very weak signal was put on the repeater from Constanta by Claudiu, YO4FYQ).
In Bucharest we can use a portable radio on the street, with aprox. 2,5W output which is very good!
As the tail can be reduced, the repeater is suitable to connect a crossband on remote places in order to have coverage for the remote areas with weak signal. Right now, experimental, a cross band is working in Bucharest, with 144.550MHz, CTCSS 203,5, simplex.
Here are some pictures (TNX YO3IHG) with the surroundings there:
... and, a final view before departing to our homes...
04 septembrie 2010
O precizare
In articolul sau, dl. Francisc Grunberg citeaza un mesaj privat din care rezulta ca as fi participat la o sedinta a CA al FRR in care s-au luat unele masuri privitoare la conflictul in speta.
Intrucat, dl. Francisc Grunberg, pe pagina sa nu permite postarea de comentarii, ma vad nevoit sa postez aici urmatoarele, pentru clarificare:
-In anul 2009, in sedinta AGA de la data de 01.04.2006 am fost "cooptat" ca membru al CA al FRR, fara drept de vot, pana la "noile alegeri".
-Mandatul meu de "membru cooptat" al CA a incetat in anul 2007, 31 martie. 1 aprilie 2008 fiind data urmatoarei AGA iar "cooptarea" a fost valabila pana la aceste alegeri.
-Nu imi amintesc sa fi participat la vreo "intâlnire a Consiliului Director pentru astăzi marţi la Radioclubul Municipal".
De altfel, ca urmare a neachitarii cotizatiei pe muuuulti ani la acest "club" (ultima a fost prin 2004)- calitatea de membru a expirat de facto si de jure.
-Imi amintesc insa ca, am avut o scurta discutie cu dl. Ciobanita referitoare la posibilitatea de retragere a unor autorizatii de radioamator de catre FRR. A facut o expunere foarte succinta a situatiei si, trecand destul timp de atunci, nu imi amintesc daca a fost prezentata "la litera" solicitarea d-lui Francisc Grunberg. Sfatul meu a fost de a instrui persoana afectata sa se adreseze justitiei intrucat:
-conflictul verbal s-a desfasurat exclusiv intre persoane, pe un site ce nu apartine Federatiei si nici nu este gestionat de aceasta. In plus, site-ul se supune altei legislatii decat cea romana (hosting in USA);
-implicarea FRR se poate limita la solicitari si comunicate de presa intrucat nu are atributii de reglementare in astfel de cazuri.
Poate nu acestea au fost cuvintele, dar cu certitudine aceasta a fost esenta.
Cat priveste calitatea de avocat... Avocatura este o profesie liberala intrucat se "vinde" un produs imaterial, exclusiv intelectual, anume "sfatul juridic". Este greu de spus unde incepe particularul si unde avocatul atunci cand cineva te intreaba "e bine sa fac asa sau asa". In toate cazurile insa, sfatul depinde de acuratetea input-ului: un input nesincer sau incomplet duce la solutii neadecvate.
Totodata, practicarea avocaturii presupune stabilirea unei relatii avocat-client, care se naste exclusiv prin incheierea unui contract de asistenta juridica. Abia atunci se poate vorbi cu certitudine de "sfat de avocat". Pana la contract, este un sfat de om care are cunostinte juridice dar care nu este tinut de examinarea in amanunt a spetei.
La momentul respectiv eram "in trecere" pe la club cu alt subiect pe lista si nicidecum "consiliere juridica".
Asa ca nu am intrat in detalii si solutia oferita a avut o componenta juridica minimalista.
Incepand cu octombrie 2008, nu am mai fost in niciun fel preocupat de problemele organizatorice ale FRR si insist in a nu fi asociat cu ceea ce se intampla acolo, cu atat mai mult cu sedinta de CA la care face referire dl. Grunberg si cu privire la care a fost informat prin email.
Totusi, chiar si din respectivul email, se poate observa ca membrii CA sunt enumerati distinct iar prezenta mea acolo nu este aratata ca fiind o participare efectiva la ce s-o fi hotarat.
Iata si mesajul citat de dl. Francisc Grunberg:
Asadar, orice asociere intre persoana mea si o eventuala "hotarare" adoptata de CA al FRR cu acel prilej este complet deplasata si neconforma cu realitatea. Si nici nu am chef sa mai dezvolt subiectul si sa alerg dupa potcoave de cai morti (expresie uzuala)!
Ca o parere personala, mi se pare aiurea ca radioamatorismul sa devina scena unor astfel de intamplari, dar, nu-i asa, traim in Romania...
14 iulie 2010
Our coleague, Aurel, The chief of YO3KSR Radioclub, left Bucharest for Juneau/Alaska. Here is the message:
Hello all!
From 15.07.2010 to 14.02.2011 i will be YO3IBZ/MM on Celebrity Mercury cruise ship, so when i will have free time i will work from the ship or i will go to shore to work from the land, you can check my Ship Itinerary and se where i will be maybe you will work me!
My equipment will be: Yaesu FT-817ND, 5w, one 11,9v 4,5A battery pack, and original battery pack from Yaesu (FNB-85)
Antenna 1: Fishing pole vertical multiband antenna.
Antenna 2: Longueur multiband antenna.
Antenna 3: Multiband Delta Loop antenna.
I will not have all antennas mounted, type of antenna will depend of location.
I wish you all the best 73&88 to you and your family!
YO3IBZ - Aurel.
More info HERE.
27 iunie 2010
Calculator pentru radioamatori
Sper sa il gasiti util si sa il folositi cu placere!
Pentru a-l utiliza, click pe imagine!

11 iunie 2010
The biggest YOFF Expedition /MM is about to start!
They will be active mostly in HF bands and will have a QRO (500 W) in order to be heard by a grossly mass of DX hunters.
So be prepared or YOFF-021 !
10 iunie 2010
Condenser mic for TS-2000
Original drawing from UU2JJ
17 mai 2010
Field Programming for Kenwood TK-370
You can use KPG-27D software (DOS based) or you can choose the easy way for programming from the keyboard.
Here is the algorithm for keyboard programming:
To enter in the programming sequence, press and hold (light) & (dial) while turning on radio.
Hold until (SEL) appears on the display.
You can choose three sets of menu items, depending on what key is pressed after entering into programming mode.
To advance in the menu items, press PTT. At the end of the menu commands set,
Pressing (SCN) allows you to program the following
1. Monitor Key
Off = off
1 = Monitor momentary
2 = Monitor Lock
3 = Squelch off momentary
2. Scan Key
Off = off
Co = carrier operate
To = Time operate
3. Dial Key
Off = off
On = enable
4. TA key
TA = talkaround
RV = Reverse
5. Lo Key
6. Priority
1 = fixed
2 = selected
7. Fixed Priority Channel
Turn selector to channel
8. Look back time A
Turn selector to time in seconds
9. Look back time B
Turn selector to time in seconds
10. Revert Channel
1 = Selected
2 = Last Call
3 = Last used
4 = Selected + Talkback
5 = Priority
6 = Priority + Talkback
11. Tx Dwell time
Turn selector to time in seconds
12. Drop out delay
Turn selector to time in seconds
13. Time out timer
Turn selector to time in seconds
14. Tot Pre-alert
Turn selector to time in seconds
15. Tot Rekey time
Turn selector to time in seconds
16. Tot reset time
Turn selector to time in seconds
17. Squelch Level
Turn selector to Squelch
18. Beep tone
19. Signalling
20. Battery Save
21. Selectable QT
22. Clr to transpond
23. Del/ Add
Pressing (Dial) allows programming of:
24. digit time
Turn selector to time in milliseconds
25. inter digit time
Turn selector to time in milliseconds
26. First digit time
Turn selector to time in milliseconds
27. Rise time
Turn selector to time in milliseconds
28. Rise time with QT
Turn selector to time in milliseconds
29. PTT ID
1 = connect
2 = disconnect
3 = Both
30. Dial ID
31. Connect ID
32. Disconnect ID
33. # of DTMF keys on Keypad
34. DTMF hold time
35. Store & send
36. D key assignment
Turn selector to D or time in seconds for pause
37. Dtmf Signaling
1 = code squelch
2 = Selective Call
38. Intermediate Code
39. Group Code
40. Auto Reset time
Turn selector for time in Seconds
41. Call Alert/ Transpond
1 =
2 =
42. Transpond
Pressing (TA) will allow you to program Frequencies
Use selector to choose channel
Press PTT
Enter Rx frequency using:
- the Selector Knob to change kHz;
- the Selector Knob + (light) to change MHz.
If no channel is Shown press the (LO) button.
Press PTT
Enter Rx CTCSS code
Press PTT
Enter Tx Frequency as above
Press PTT
Enter Tx CTCSS code
Press PTT
1. Option Signal
1 = DTMF
2 = 2-Tone
3. Add/ Del
4. Busy Tx
5. Clock frequency shift
6. Power
19 aprilie 2010
Portable holiday setup
Potrivit specificatiilor, antena suporta 600W continuu; este terminata in mufa UHF (nu sunt un fan al acestei mufe dar este relativ OK in HF) si are, atentie, 2 m inaltime!
Am avut ocazia sa trag cu ochiul la un prospect Sirio unde este prezentata in sectiune zona bobinei. Astfel am vazut ca bobina este doar in prelungirea spicului nefiind conectata si la masa. Acest aspect a fost confirmat si cu aparatul de masura. Destul de fireasca solutia, intrucat, la aceasta lungime, cateva spire fac antena sa simuleze un GP sfert de unda (aproximativ 2,6m fizic).

A fost necesara inclinarea antenei pentru a o scoate de sub plafonul balconului.
Ca de obicei la astfel de teste, am fixat si o contragreutate realizata dintr-un banal fir electric multifilar, din Cu izolat cu PVC in lungime de aproximativ 3m, lasat sa atarne sub antena.
A. FT817N+LDG Z817
B. FT857D+LDG Z100.
Antena se acordeaza absolut superb in benzile de 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m si 6m. Din pacate, propagarea nu a fost deschisa in benzile de la 12 m in sus, astfel ca probele s-au concretizat in legaturi in benzile inferioare valorii de 12m.
In varianta A am realizat legaturi in D, UR si GB in gama 20m-17m.
In varianta B, am avut placuta surpriza sa lucrez si W precum si o statie din PY!.
Folosind un dispozitiv de adaptare a antenei (un UnUn cu comutator 4:1 sau 9:1 si cu o bobina cu prize comutabile), am adaptat antena si pentru lucrul in benzile de 40m si 80m, conectand unitatea AM (antenna matcher) cu un cablu scurt cu un mic crocodil direct la mufa DV.
In banda de 40m am facut legaturi in Europa fara nici un fel de probleme, cu ambele variante de test.
In banda de 80m, am auzit statiile YO "traditionale" (YO2LGX, YO5PDW s.a.m.d) dar nu am fost auzit. Poate si pentru ca antena era cam prea sus pentru exploatarea efectului NVIS.
Una peste alta, antena se preteaza la operarea in regim portabil. Singura problema reala pe care o pune aceasta antena este transportul; in cazul in care deplasarea se face cu un autoturism, poate servi bine-mersi pentru echiparea statiei CB.
Totusi, retineti: este prea lunga pentru suportul magnetic!
Antena urmeaza sa echipeze Unitatea Mobila de Comunicatii a Societatii Romane a Radioamatorilor, in trusa de echipamente portabile HF.
31 martie 2010
23 martie 2010
Earth Hour

Demarata in anul 2007 in Sydney/Australia, actiunea a fost deosebit de bine primita; in anul 2009, la actiune au participat peste 1000 de orase din 88 de tari.
Participarea la "Ora Pamantului" presupune reducerea consumului de curent electric prin stingerea luminilor pe durata unei ore si/sau deconectarea consumatorilor electrici aflati in stand-by.
Societatea Romana a Radioamatorilor isi propune sa sutina aceasta initiativa prin efectuarea de legaturi radio in intervalul 20:00 - 22:00 la data de 27 martie 2010, in benzile HF 80m-23cm, fonie si CW folosind exclusiv echipamente alimentate din baterii reincarcabile.
Statiile care lucreaza cele doua indicative, in intervalul de timp indicat, in cel putin 3 benzi diferite, pot solicita Diploma pusa in circulatie pentru acest eveniment.
Diploma se transmite in format electronic.
Pentru expedierea diplomei in format printat, va rugam sa ne contactati.
In 2009 hundreds of millions of people around the world showed their support by turning off their lights for one hour.
Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.
Romanian Society of Radioamateurs is sustaining this initative by issuing a special QSL card for QSO's with YO3KSR and YR1X stations.
The stations will be active in HF+VHF+SHF bands, from 80m band to 23 cm band, on 27 th of March 2010, between 18:00-20:00 UTC.
The maximum power will be 50W and the stations will be entirely battery operated!
For more than 3 QSO with this stations in 3 different frequency bands, a special Diploma will be sent in electronic format.
For paper Diploma, please contact us via e-mail: yo3 k s r @ gmail. com {remove extra spaces}
19 martie 2010
Sky Command II, reloaded
As I don't have anymore the TS2000x in my shack, I was wondering if I can make something to use the TS-480 and the TM-D710 (I have two of them) for SkyCommand!
The user manual, both on TS-2000 and TS-480 say that the SkyCommand will work with a TM-D700 as Transporter radio.
The challenge was to use as Transporter a TM-D710.
The TM-D700 use a DB9 connector for COM and the TM-D710 use a 8 pin Mini Din female connector.
I was searching everywhere for a connector between the D710 and TS-480 but I couldn't find a diagram.
So I started to experiment.
I will not bother your head with my various tests but I will give you the result:
-1 DB9 Female (cable version);
-1 8pin Mini D, Male (cable version);
-about 30 cm of 5x0.3mm cable
-Steady hand and good eyes!
Icom IC-02AT

Una peste alta, este o statie din perioada cand producatorii faceau statii care sa reziste o generatie; cu unele mici modificari este capabila sa scoata 7W. Nu ca intre 7 si 4 ar fi o mare diferenta, dar asta spune ceva despre rezerva de putere a etajului final.
Privind retrospectiv, imi dau seama ca avea o receptie foarte sensibila dar imi este greu sa imi imaginez cum s-ar comporta in conditiile de poluare radioelectrica din zilele noastre. Presupun insa ca ar face fata onorabil pentru ca acea generatie avea filtre serioase in front end.
Bateria tinea cam o saptamana in conditiile in care nu prea emiteam.
Este una din primele statii care aveau encoder CTCSS incorporat si nu ca modul optional.
Statia are 10 locatii de memorie dar, in primele 5 locatii nu se pot programa tonuri CTCSS diferite!
28 februarie 2010
Am reusit sa lucrez cateva indicative exotice pentru mine.
Groenlanda OX3KQ 15m SSB
Franta TL0A 15m SSB
Rep. Burundi 9U1KI 15m SSB
Brazilia PY2GH 15m SSB
Puerto Rico KP4BD 15m SSB
Rep.Dominicana HI3TEJ 15m SSB
Canada VX3CX 15m SSB
Kuwait 9K2OK/NLD 17m SSB
Kuwait 9K2OK/NLD 15m SSB
Arabia Saudita HZ1BL 40m SSB
Am folosit FT857D+ HM vertical (undita)+LDG Z100.
Una peste alta, a fost fain acest weekend!
73 de yo3hjv
26 februarie 2010
Sky Command II, How to.

I used a TS2000 and a TM-D710. Both are "K-Type" versions. Of course, they were "E" type before the mod was applied...
First of all:
- The TS2000x is the TRANSPORTER and the TM-D710 is the COMMANDER.
- We assume that both Transporter and Commander radios are Sky Command II capable. Mine was modified to do Sky Comm as they was European version. I applied the “K type mod”.
- Before anything, go on MAIN receiver and select a convenient HF frequency. TUNE THE HF ANTENNA!
Setup the TRANSPORTER (TS2000):
- Select on main channel VHF 144.750. This will be the Transporter to Commander channel.
- Select on aux channel UHF 438.500. Select CTCSS on aux channel on 100,0 Hz.
- Return to the MAIN section of the radio.
- Press MENU and scroll to the Menu #62. Press SUB. After pressing the SUB key, the LCD will show something like “MENU 62A-COMMANDER CALLSIGN”.
- Here you input the callsign which will be used by the TS2000, in my case, “YO3HJV-1”. {Yes, the callsign is followed by a number! (Explanation: The COMMANDER and the TRANSPORTER use Packet radio to communicate and they need different SSID’s.)}
- The input is made as follows: Scroll the letters with MULTI/CH and advance the position of the letter with MAIN(Back) or SUB (Forward).
- Store the callsign with M.IN key.
- Scroll to “MENU 62B-TRANSPORTER CALLSIGN” and enter your TRANSPORTER CALLSIGN, in my case, “YO3HJV-2”. Follow the previous #8 and #9 step above.
- Select MENU 62C. Here you will select the CTCSS code used for UHF data and voice comm with MULTI/CH. In my case, 100 Hz.
- Select MENU 62D and choose with MULTI/CH 1200bd. This is the data speed for Packet comm.
- Select MENU 62E and choose “T-PORTER”. This tells the TS2000 that is acting as a Transporter.
- Press MENU. The panel control in TS2000 will not work because it is set to work remote only (Sky Command II).
Setup the COMMANDER (TM-D710):
- Check if you have MENU 7xx enabled. If not, apply the “K Type” mod.
- On the “A” receiver (left) dial 144.500 MHz. On the “B” receiver (right), dial 438.500 MHz.
- On the “B” receiver set the CTCSS to 100 Hz.
- Go to Menu nr. 700 (COMMANDER callsign) and set the callsign as per step #8 (In my case, YO3HJV-1). Press the DIAL button to store the callsign.
- Go to Menu nr.701 (TRANSPORTER callsign) and set the callsign as per step #11 (in my case, YO3HJV-2). Press the DIAL button to store the callsign.
- Go to Menu nr.702 and set the same CTCSS as per step #12 (100 Hz).
- Go to Menu nr.703 and choose the “role” of the TM-D710. In our case, choose “COMMANDER”. Press Dial.
Now, you should be in COMMANDER MODE.
Press “0” to start the link between Transporter and Commander.
To activate the TRANSPORTER, press “1”. The TRANSPORTER should transmit the callsign (in my case, YO3HJV) on the 2m band, and after that, should retransmit the audio feed from HF frequency set as per step #3.
I also tried (and succedeed) to use the Sky Commander with a TH-D7, but this is another story...
Bob Bruniga has the following ideeas:
IDEAS For SKY-COMMAND III for CLUB ops 22 Feb 07
SkyCommand II was designed for an individual to have remote control of
his own rig on a one-for-one basis. But there are many applicaitons
for clubs that may want to have a group with access to the SkyCommand
HF transceiver and for all to be able to participate in the group
monitoring while one is transmitting. Here is my WEB page that tries
to optimize this type of operations.
Although we can do Group operations with SkyCommand II, there are some
ideas that could make this better, for new users while being fully
backwards compatible with SkyCommand II systems. An overview of the
required changes for group operations for what I call SkyCommand III
are as follows:
1) Use default Generic COMMANDER and TRASNSPORTER calls so that
everyone can set their radio once, and then be able to use any Sky
Command system that is made public with these same generic calls.
2) Use two PL's on the UHF audio link, so that only one PL keys the
remote SkyCommand transmitter, but the other PL (or none) lets all
members of the group chat on the UHF channel for coordination.
Enable a front panel button for selection of CHAT or PTT choice of
PL while operating Sky Command.
3) Have provisions for the multiple COMMANDER radios to BEACON an
APRS status packet periodically that contains their FCC call so that
they can be identified and so that other SKY-III transceivers can
also see who else is sharing the UHF command channel and operations.
4) Have the TRANSPORTER auto-QSY periodically to the APRS channel
and put out a Sky Command status packet to put the HF asset on the
APRS system map showing the current operating frequency.
5) Some provision for additioanl commands for antenna selections.
6) Allow the D700 to operate UHF COMMANDER link on band A UHF so
that band B can be used for 220, 902 or 1296 reception of Sky
Command Audio.
DETAILS FOLLOW: Each of these concepts is further expanded below.
Let the default COMMANDER call be CMDR and the default TRANSPORTER
call be TRPTR, and default TRANSPORTER skycommand PL be 123. while
the default USER or CMDR PL is 88. This makes any user able to
monitor a SkyCommand system out of the box, or to go from one public
skycommand station to another. And he can chat with other skycommand
users on the UHF channel without bringing up the HF TX, unless he
selects the special 123 TX PL.
Another advantage of generic callsign operation is that multiple
COMMANDERS can all be in SkyCommand mode and can see the same front
panel HF radio status at the same time.
ALTERNATIVE (a): Another option may be to have the OPTION for public
systems to allow the TRANSPORTER to be GENERIC on receipt and accept
Sky Commands from ANY callsign in this mode. This way, every
existing COMMANDER can control the radio without having to use a
generci call. This keeps the COMMANDER operator legal, since his
call will be in every packet.
ALTERNATIVE (b): Another option for COMANDERS is to allow for
GENERIC receipt and display of Sky Command data independent of the
TRANSPORTER call. This way, each COMMANDER does not have to change
his transporter callsign for each different GENERIC system that
he wants to control.
1) While in Sky-Command mode, the COMMANDERS need a front panel
button to turn on and off sky command PL. This way, all the
group COMMANDERS can turn off special PL and talk/coordinate
back and forth on the UHF simplex channel without keying up the
sky-command radio. This allows very powerful use of HF radio in
local groups, and very simple to implement. I suggest naming
this soft button toggle between "PTT" and "CHAT" as it toggles
between the SkyCommand PL and the non-skycommand PL or off.
While a COMMANDER is in SkyCommand III mode, it should include some
periodic OBJECT packets to tell others on the UHF frequency who it
is and where it is. This should beacon once every 10 minutes or
each time after the skycommand RX is activated.
FORMAT: THe format for the status packet (in APRS OBJECT format)
would include the MYCALL as the object name and TIME/position, etc.
This is because the actual packet will be originated by the generic
"CMDR" callsign and so without the OBEJCT packet, we cannot tell
who is doing what. Here is a suggeted format:
Which will show up nicely on the D700 as:
TX Bob
THe TX is transmitted if the SkyCommand PL is set, and an "RX" will
show if the SkyCommand PL is not set.
LIST: On receipt, these objects can go to the normal APRS list or
to the DX list? While in SkyCommand III mode, there should be a
"LIST" hot key on the D7 or D700 radio that will call up this list,
and display only other SkyCommand stations.
PACKET MUTE:??? New COMMANDER radios need to have a 20 dB mute when
monitoring the UHF channel so that VOICE can be heard but packets
are muted. Or is CTCSS Set in Skycommand mode? If so, then it needs
to recognize BOTH the PL's for PTT and for CHAT mode only.
CROSSBAND???? While Sky Commander with TX PL is transmitting on HF,
does the VHF audio link remain up and provide a copy of the transmitted
voice so that all monitoring stations can hear it? This can help in
CHAT mode with PL's and muting packets? More thought here...
SkyCommand III needs an APRS Station packet from the Transponder
radio periodically that goes out on the APRS (144.39 in the USA)
channel to beacon the HF radio (IF) status for all surrounding
APRS mobiles (on 144.39). This beacon packet will put the public
SkyComand III station on the MAP, and alert all drivers of its
presence and operating frequency. In most cases, this packet
will go only DIRECT.
Which will show up nicely on the D700 as:
Notice the Frequency is inlcuded. But the inclusion of the
UHF is optional and if not used, then the HF channel can show.
The Transporter needs to auto-qsy for one-second periodically to
put this out on the APRS frequency and not the SkyCommand channel.
My guess would be once every 10 minutes if no-change in frequency
and within one minute of each frequency CHANGE. THis results in
no transmissions while fine-tuning, but an update within a minute
after a change is made.
Also, the SkyCommand Transporter needs to INITIATE a radio status
packet (in IF... format) once every minute on the UHF command
frequency to update all monitoring COMMANDERS that may begin
Note: Backwards compatibility. For SkyCOmmand II, a BT and BEACON
can be set in packet mode and it will continue to work in SKyComand
mode, but it is not on the APRS channel, only the SkyCOmmand
SkyCommand III needs to be able to select ANTENNA on the TS-2000.
ALthough MEMORY channel on TS-2000 can remember ANTENNA 1/2, an
external antenna selection is needed for selecting fixed beams or
othere options on the same band. More later on this subject?
Provision needs to be made in Sky Command III for the uplink command
channel to be on 900 or 1296 MHz and private, while the VHF or
User Listening channel can be on VHF or UHF. In otherewords, the
Sky Command III should be able to operate in RECEIVE-ONLY mode and
give the user the full status of the SkyCommand Radio display, even
if he is not commanding and even if he cannnot press [0] to start
the link.
CONVERSLY, provision needs to be made for Sky Command to use 220, 900
or 1296 bands in place of the VHF audio link. This reduces the demand
on the 2m band for these links. The Remote controlled site may have
to add one of these 220, 902, or 1296 band transmitters just for the
audio, but the D700 should be able to receive this audio in place of
2 meter audio link and still operate in Sky Command COMMANDER mode.
It is very easy to BUILD a skycommand III system TRANSPORTER with a
D700 radio's internal TNC and some external software. So this investment
in SkyCommand III can multiply more than just the new radios sold.
SkyCommand III also willbe fully backwards compatible to II's.
SOFTWARE TRANSPORTER: My next document will describe tha backwards
compatible SkyCommand II+ system that can run on a PC between a D700
TNC and a TS-2000. This PC software can implement many of the advantages
of SkyCOmmand III and be compatible with existing D700's.
More thinking needed.
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR
22 februarie 2010
Un nou mod digital - ROS
Acest mesaj a fost trimis de EA2LE din Vitoria (Spania) si receptionat la Universitatea Twente (Olanda), binecunoscuta pentru preocuparile in domeniul receptiei HF (webSDR).
Frecventa pe care a fost receptionat mesajul a fost 7.065 MHz iar distanta parcursa a fost de 1265 km.
Noul mod digital opereaza asemanator cu modul Domino, desi asemanarile se opresc la faptul ca este un mod MPSK.
Cu toate acestea, producatorul il anunta ca fiind un mod Spread Spectrum (FHSS), oarecum impropriu.
Din acest motiv, in USA nu va putea fi folosit deoarece FCC interzice FHSS in benzile HF.
Totusi, pe noi, radioamatorii europeni, nimic nu ne impiedica sa il experimentam, cu atat mai mult cu cat, YO4CVV din Galati deja a trecut la experimentari.
Mi se pare extraordinar faptul ca, in program, a fost implementata o rutina de confirmare a receptiei prin email. In acest sens, programul transmite un email la receptia corecta a mesajului.
Programul permite transmisia cu 16bd sau cu 1bd, acest din urma mod fiidn adecvat pentru raport semnal zgomot foarte mic (-35dbs S/N)!
Programul se poate descarca aici: http://www.box.net/shared/voqoxl976z
In atasament este documentatia aferenta dar si programul in arhiva zip.
Ca la orice mod digital, atentie mare la incarcarea etajului final! Adica, aveti grija ca indicatia power-metrului sa arate aproximativ 75% incarcare din puterea maxima dar indicatia ALC sa nu depaseasca 5%. Cel mai bine este ca ALC sa nu indice nimic.
Frecventele propuse sunt:
* 1.840
* 3.60360 (exclusiv 1 baud)
* 3.60605 (exclusiv 16 bauds)
* 7.053
* 14.101
* 28.300
Lista de discutii despre acest nou mod digital o gasiti aici.
Pagina oficiala.
14 februarie 2010
HF Gateway Voice Operated Squelch
Schema este o adaptare a schemei folosite de Motorola in transceiver-ele MICOMM (HF-SSB). Jan Tarsala (WB6VRN ) si Randy Hammock (KC6HUR) au adus unele modificari pentru a putea sa foloseasca circuitul la retransmiterea canalului audio de la NASA pe un repetor local.
Schema prezentata mai jos reprezinta versiunea "originala", adaptata pentru traficul SSB si nu versiunea modificata.
31 ianuarie 2010
TH-D7 PG-4W programming cable diagram
The internet is very poor in informations about PG-4W, the programming cable, but there are a lot of vendors (from 12 to 25 EUR/cable) which is quite inacceptable for me... I do know how to make a PC to Radio cable!
So, I prepared myself with a RS232<>TTL adapter (with MAX232), one 2,5mm stereo jack and some lenght of cable, a female DB9 COM port and some patience...
First step was to read carefully the User manual where it states that the radio conect directly to the PC.
To be sure I was measuring the voltage on the PC conector at the radio.
It was -6V (RS232 zero logic level) which means the radio has a RS232<>TTL level adapter inside. So, indeed, tha radio connect directly to the PC Com port...
I made the connections, but the software returns (over and over...) a communication error (Timeout).
So, I started to search for a reason. Maybe the software expect some signaling on the other ports of the COM...
I realise that, when I push the "Read Radio" command on PC, on the COM port RTS appeared a voltage swing. Hmmmm..... so, the Radio <> PC cable is not so simple...
So I connected the RTS with CTS and DCD with DTR and, BINGO!!!!, all was OK!
So, here is the diagram of the PG-4W programming cable for the Kenwood TH-D7 portable radio...

Later Edit: Tom, NV1U sent me the following diagram made on his tablet:
TNX Tom!
There is NO ERROR!!! The 2,5 mm plug diagram is not reverted!!!
The manual states that the tip is TxD and the ring is RxD. The TxD and the RxD on the plug ARE FROM THE RADIO VIEW
The radio transmit data to the PC by the tip of the plug and the signal goes to the RxD on COM port at the PC!
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